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They both take almost 24 hours to complete 1 rotation around its axis.

Mars have huge frozen seas just as that on Antarctica and arctic.

They have almost the same value of gravity

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Dust and microorganisms. Maybe.

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Q: List two similarities between earth and mars?
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Is Earth and Mars the same planet?

No, but they have similarities.

What can Mars be compared to?

Mars can be compared to Earth, because they both have numerous similarities.

What planet has similarities to planet earth?

Mars and Venus at most, yet they haven't many similarities.

How is earth and Mars alike List 4 ways?

Earth and mars are totally different. Earth is green and blue. Mars is red & brown. WE live on earth and martitans live on Mars. Mars is not cool but earth is. Earth has living things mars doesnt.!!!!

Difference between Mars and earth?

what is the difference between earth amd mars besides that earth has life

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The Earth is the 3rd planet from the Sun while Mars is the 4th. There is no known planet in between the Earth and Mars.

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Earth is between Venus and Mars. Well, not really; but the orbit of Earth is between the orbits of Venus and Mars. Venus, Mars and Earth never actually "line up".

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There are no significant differences.

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if your asking what planet is between mars and the earth, the answer is none.

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Jupiter begins with a J and Mars begins with a M.....if i didnt answer it TOO BAD!!!

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the orbit of mars is outside that of the earth's orbit so it can't go between earth and the sun

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