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Executing the previous monarchs entire family

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Q: Louis XIV maintained complete authority as monarch by?
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How did Louis XIV govern?

As an absolute monarch.

How was Louis XIV's rule in France different from that of William of Orange in England?

Louis XIV was an absolute monarch, while William of Orange was a constitutional monarch.

Who was the french monarch from 1774-1794?

The King was Louis XVI.

What influence did King Louis XVI have on the monarch?

This is confusing. King Louis XVI was the monarch, since a monarch is a king.If you are asking what influence King Louis XVI had on the monarchy, you may be getting confused with King Louis XIV, his ancestor.Louis XVI's influence on the monarchy was to have it abolished, as he was King during the French Revolution.

History on Louis XIV of France?

Louis XIV, also known as Louis the Great, had the longest reign of any monarch in European history. He ruled for 72 years and 110 days. He consolidated a system of complete monarchical rule that lasted until the French Revolution.

French monarch maintained the power of the monarchy in the years 1688 to 1789?

Louis XIV (Le roi du Soleil) was King of France from 1643 until 1715. He was succeeded by this great-grandson Louis XV, who reigned from 1715 until 1774. He was succeeded by this grandson Louis XVI who reigned until 1793 and was the last King of France.

Who was the monarch when French Revolution happened?

Louis XVI.

What are at least two examples of absolutist monarch?

The best example of an absolute monarch would be Louis XIV.