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Q: Low b-12 can it cause your ankles to swell up?
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Can low vitamin B12 cause severe joint pain?


Where can I find info on b12 diet online?

Vitamin B12 deficiency is when there is a low blood level of vitamin B12. If it is left untreated, it can cause damage to nervous tissue. There is a wealth of information regarding B12 deficiency on the Wikipedia site.

Can four B12 injection make your menstrual cycle late?

Four B12 shots usually will not cause your menstrual cycle to be late. Your cycle can be late if your body is low in vitamin B12. You should talk with your doctor and ask him why your menstrual cycle would be late

Can low vitamin b12 cause burning pain in muscles?

It's not likely. B12 deficiency usually shows up as damage to the brain and nervous system (it results in spongiform tissue, a bit like Mad Cow disease, though from a completely different cause).

What does it mean when you have high levels of vit b12 in your blood?

For the most part, elevated levels of vitamin B12 are not dangerous. However, there are a few diseases that may cause these levels to increase. These include hypereosinophilic syndrome, polycythemia Vera, and two forms of leukemia.

Is haptoglobin low in b12 deficiency?


Which of the following is a feature of vitamin B12 nutrition in vegetarians?

Vegan mothers need only infrequent intake of vitamin B12-fortified cereals The vitamin B12 in fermented soy products may have low bioavailability Vitamin B12 in fortified cereals has low bioavailability Infants born to vegan mothers are resistant to the development of vitamin B12 deficiency

Is vitamin B12 help in kidney stone treatment?

why not i had kidney stone and now i find out i was low on b12 . kidney and liver and clams have the highest amount of b12, so like fixes like .but powder b12 is best

Can rheumatoid arthritis cause B12 deficency?

No, This has not been recognised as a cause for RA.

Can a Vitamin B12 deficiency be connected to something serious like leukemia?

No, but a vitamin b12 deficiency cause megaloblastic anaemia

What does it mean to have a high MCH a low RDW and low saturation on blood test?

it is in b12 and folic acid deficiency

Does b12 deficiency cause eye problems?

Having a deficiency in vitamin B12 could be a contributing factor of eye problems. Double vision is a certain condition that can happen because of a vitamin B12 deficiency.