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Low Back pain at night that is not relieved by lying down may be caused by a tumor in the cauda equina (the roots of the spinal nerves controlling sensation in and movement of the legs).

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Q: Low back pain that is not relieved by lying down may have what root cause?
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What is a term that literally means lying down?

Resting, recumbent, lying back, reclining... Hope this helps!

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Some warning signs that one is having problems with pericarditis are sharp stabbing pains that are relieved by sitting up. Other symptoms include back pain, breathing problems when lying down and a dry cough.

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It looks like someone lying down, either fully down or leaning back/reclining. You could be lying on your side or on your back or sitting in a reclining position like in an easy chair. Ever see anyone riding a recumbent bicycle? See the links below for demonstrative pictures.

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If you take more pills than you are required to and if your body cannot handle it you may overdose. It is also possible while you are sleeping and if you happen to vomit while lying on your back, chances are you could choke on your own vomit. This is because when you are on your back and you vomit, as it comes out it is going right back down your throat because you are lying on your back.

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Difficulty breathing when in an upright posture, usually relieved by lying down, is called platypnea. The word is from the Greek platus (flat) and pnoia (breath).

Is Prone is lying on the abdomen?

Yes, prone is face down (abdomen) and supine is face up (back).

What is the difference between prone and supine position?

The difference between the Prone and Supine positions are that Supine is when you are laying on your back and prone is when you are lying flat on your stomach.

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Roger and Maurice have just been relieved of the duty of watching the littluns.

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sit down and dicuss this with ur family