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Q: Main pollinators of red flowers are?
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Related questions

What is the main job of the flowers?

To attract the pollinators.

What is the main purpose flowers aroma?

The main purpose of the flowers fragrance is to help attract pollinators, and guide them to the pollen and nectar inside. This helps the flowers produce seeds.

What insects are the main pollinators for most flowers?

Bees are the insects which are the main pollinators for most flowers. The insects in question (Apis spp) also claim the greatest number of kinds and totals of flowers pollinated as well as the greatest coverage area by pollinators.

What do flowers attract?


Why do trees have very bright flowers?

Trees have bright flowers to attract the pollinators. specific types of pollinators are bees and hummingbirds.

How do pollinators recognize the flowers they pollinate?

Flowers are known for their pretty colors and pleasant aromas. These are visual and olfactory cues to pollinators.

Why do flowers have fragnance?

To attract pollinators

Why do flowers need to attract pollinators?

This is an example of "Natural selection". Those flowers that don't attract pollinators die out, because they rarely get pollinated except by accident. So the only flowers that are left are the ones that exist symbiotically with pollinators.

How do flowers attract pollinators to it for pollination?

the nectar.

Why do you think flowers are different from one another?

Flowers present different visual and other sensory evidence of their existence so that the different pollinators are attracted to the different flowers for the most effective pollination. Effective cooperation between flowers and pollinators means that the flowers survive and the pollinators are fed: everybody in this natural symbiotic relationship wins.

What attracts pollinators to the flowers?

Pollinators are attracted by color, scent, and shape of blooms.

Why do flowers have all that color?

To attract pollinators visually.