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Q: Many fliter feeders in the ocean eat this?
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What do many filter feeders eat in ocean?


What do ocean filter feeders eat?


Filter feeders in the ocean eat this?

Filter feeders in the ocean filter water through their body to eat. They filter phytoplankton out of the water to gain nutrients.

What filter feeders in the ocean eat?

they eat the alge under/in the sand

What do many filter feeders in the ocean eat?

As we know it, filter feeders in the oceans live on plankton . These really small organisms thrive in all the oceans .

What do filter feeders in the ocean eat?

Filter feeders are called filter feeders so they suck in water and eat the tiny plankton in the oceanwith there tiny filter hairs.

How do filter feeders eat?

filter feeders like clams, sponges, krill, baleen whales, fishes, and many others fill the ocean, spending their days filtering and eating tiny particles from the water.

What lives in the ocean and many filter feeders eat?

Different species of algae live in the ocean, and fither feeders also eat minerals, or even some perviously chewed food left behind by different types of fish. Though, what they eat really depends on their species!

What is the starfishes diet?

they usally eat stuff off of the ocean floor because their bottom feeders! Or they'll just eat a city! :)

What do dungness crab eat?

Like all good filter feeders, Dungeness Crabs eat what ever left over carrion they can find on the bottom of the ocean.

How are filter feeders and fluid feeders?

Filter feeders and fluid feeders are alike in a great number of ways. These animals both sift for food to eat.

What do barnacales eat?

They are filter feeders,they eat plankton.