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Q: Many skaters practice their routines in cold ice rinks before dawn. What is the object of the transitive verb practice?
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What is the object of the transitive verb practice in the sentence Many skaters practice their routines in cold ice rinks before dawn?

Their routines

What makes figure skaters spin fast?

practice. and how many crossovers you do before a spin.

How do you keep your singing voice ready the night before a performance?

You should do a lot of vocal exercises, not talk to loud, and practice some routines or singing numbers.

Do you have to practice on the bars in gymnastics before you can do floor routines?

No. The two events (floor and bars) are not related in skills you need to build to use the other, however gymnasts usually train all at the same time.

Is Listen intransitive or transitive?

The verb to listen (past tense listened) can be transitive or intransitive. Examples: Transitive: We listened to the radio for weather reports. Intransitive: The teacher explained and I listened.

Are step aerobic routines safe for my ankle?

Most step aerobic routines are considered high impact on the knees and ankles. If you have experienced problems with your ankle in the past, ask your doctor before starting step aerobics and avoid routines that include repetitive stepping or hopping.

How do you set up a marathon?

freeze water the night before, run around your block 2times a day before the marathon, PRACTICE, Practice, and practice.

What's a test practice?

The est practice is a test that will help you before the real test. I would study before taking the practice test too.

Where can I find a good workout for bodybuilding?

You can find good workouts through brochures, DVD's, gyms, and looking on line for various routines. Some routines may not be good for your particular person, however, and you should consult a physician before attempting.

Do you have practice plays?

Yes of course you practice plays before you perfom

Are there any good Fitness routines?

It depends what your plan with your Fitness is. First off start with some stretches to make sure not to injury yourself before you start your routines. Try going for walks or runs, sit-ups and push-ups are also a good idea to do and lift some weights. Start off easy and with each week add more to your routines.

Did the Aztecs practice Catholicism before the Spaniards arrive?

The Aztecs did not practice Catholicism before the Europeans arrived; they had no exposure to it until then.