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Q: Maximilien Robespierre led france during what phase of the revolution?
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Maximilien Robespierre led France during which phase of the Revolution?

The Reign of Terror.

Why was Maximilien Robespierre important to France?

Why was Maximilan robespierre important to the french revolution?Read more: Why_was_Maximilan_robespierre_important_to_the_french_revolution

Who was the ruler during the Reign of Terror?

Maximilien Robespierre (Maximilien François Marie Isidore de Robespierre, 1757-1794) was the de facto leader of France during the Reign of Terror, in which the Committee of Public Safety and its Revolutionary Tribunal summarily executed anyone who opposed its policies.

Who lead the Reign of Terror in France?

Maximilien-Marie-Isidore de Robespierre.

What year was Maximilien de Robespierre born?

Maximilien Francois Marie Isidore de Robespierre was a prominent and influential figure in the French Revolution. He was born on May 6th, 1758 in Arras, France.

The Reign of Terror is associated with who?

Maximilien Robespierre was the architect of the Reign of Terror. Marie Antoinette was its most famous victim.With France, Robespierre, Jacobins and the Committee of Public Safety during the French Revolution. from the summer of 1792 for the next 13 months.

Why did Jacobins such as Maximilien de Robespierre argue that France's king and queen needed to be executed?

Jacobins such as Maximilien de Robespierre argued that France's king and queen needed to be executed to protect political changes; i.e. to avoid a return to absolute monarchy. Apex: To protect the political changes made during the French Revolution

What individual in France dominated the Committee for Public Safety?

Maximilien Robespierre.

What was napoleon the leader of?

France, after the Reign of Terror led by Maximilien Robespierre.

Who initiated the Reign of Terror?

Maximilien Robespierre gets that dubious honor as the Deputy of the Committee of Public Safety.this was part of the French Revolution after the death of Louis XV1 in 1793. Terror was the order of the day in the words of Maximilien Robespierre who led the Terror. Accross France 30,000 lost their livesthis was part of the French Revolution after the death of Louis XV1 in 1793. Terror was the order of the day in the words of Maximilien Robespierre who led the Terror. Accross France 30,000 lost their lives

What country is the Reign of Terror associated with?

The Reign of Terror is associated with France, following the French Revolution. The Reign of Terror began when Maximilien Robespierre took control of the National Convention and Committee on Public Safety, and proceeded to try and execute anyone who did not agree with him.

Who institutes the Reign of Terror?

Maximilien Robespierre and Georges Danton at the time were in control of France, which was immediately after king Louis died. but then Robespierre killed Danton and started the reign of terror