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1mo ago

In a philosophical sense, we are all interconnected and share a universal human experience. However, on an individual level, our identities and experiences shape us differently, making us unique. So, while we may share similarities, we are not all exactly the same.

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A person who does the same thing all the time is called a?

A person who does the same thing all the time is often referred to as being in a rut or someone who is stuck in a routine.

Who argued that individuals of all cultures go through the same stages of moral development in the same order?

Lawrence Kohlberg argued that individuals of all cultures go through the same stages of moral development in the same order, with his theory of moral development consisting of six stages that individuals progress through as they mature.

What is a stereotype in reading?

A stereotype in reading refers to a fixed, oversimplified idea or image that people may have about certain types of literature, genres, authors, or characters. Stereotypes can limit understanding and appreciation of diverse perspectives and contributions in the literary world. It is essential to challenge stereotypes and approach reading with openness and critical thinking.

Are teenagers stuck up?

Not all teenagers are stuck up. Like people of any age group, teenagers can vary in their attitudes and behaviors. It's important not to stereotype or generalize all teenagers as being a certain way.

Why do you have to keep all conditions the same in the control group?

Keeping all conditions the same in the control group ensures that any differences observed between the control and experimental groups can be attributed to the independent variable being tested. This helps researchers isolate the specific effects of the independent variable, leading to more reliable and valid conclusions about its impact.

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