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Q: Who argued that individuals of all cultures go through the same stages of moral development in the same order?
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Who argued that individuals learn aggressive behavior by imitating and learning from others?

Albert Bandura dr

What individual developed a theory of moral development in which internalization plays a key role in the development process?

Jean Piaget laid the groundwork in 1932 with his theories of moral education and his theory that children develop a moral compass from observation and their own decision to behave in specific ways, and that they are influenced more by peers than parents or other adults. Lawrence Kohlberg perhaps took it a step further with his examination in 1958 of moral development, although it can be argued with a high degree of success that Abraham Maslow postulated it first in 1943.

Who argued that kohlberg's work ignored the female perspective?


What child development theory places emphasis on the importance of discussion and interaction with adults and older children?

The theory that places emphasis on the importance of discussion and interaction with adults and older children in child development is known as the sociocultural theory. This theory was developed by Lev Vygotsky, a Russian psychologist, in the early 20th century. According to Vygotsky's sociocultural theory, cognitive development is strongly influenced by social and cultural factors. He highlighted the role of social interaction, communication, and collaboration in the learning process. The key concepts of this theory include: Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD): Vygotsky introduced the concept of the Zone of Proximal Development, which refers to the gap between what a learner can do independently and what they can achieve with the help of a more knowledgeable person. This knowledgeable person could be an adult, teacher, or a more skilled peer. Scaffolding: Scaffolding involves providing temporary support to a learner within their ZPD to help them accomplish a task. Adults or more capable peers offer guidance, explanations, and support as the child works on a challenging activity. As the child gains competence, the support is gradually reduced. Social Interaction and Language: Vygotsky emphasized the significance of social interaction, particularly through language, in the development of cognition. He argued that communication and conversation with others play a crucial role in shaping a child's thinking and problem-solving abilities. Cultural Tools: Vygotsky proposed that cultural tools, such as language, symbols, and other cognitive artifacts, are integral to cognitive development. These tools are passed down through social interaction and play a vital role in shaping a child's mental processes. In summary, Vygotsky's sociocultural theory underscores the importance of social interaction, discussion, and collaboration with more knowledgeable individuals as essential factors in a child's cognitive development. This approach contrasts with other theories that focus more on individual exploration and innate processes in child development.

John B Watson argued for a psychology based on the study of?

Behaviorisms(what people do).

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Who argued that individuals learn aggressive behavior by imitating and learning from others?

Albert Bandura dr

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Adam Smith. CAVA

Who argued that individuals should own and Control businesses and make all the decisions about them.?

Adam Smith. CAVA

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Denial, repression, displacement.

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Adam Smith

Why is latin America often called a melting pot?

As it has a vibrant culture that came about through the admixture of Native, African and Iberian cultures, it can be argued it's an unsegregated melting pot. Food, cooking methods, music, dances, religious takes, dialects and phenotypes are all, new offsprings of the "miscegenation" of the various cultures that came into contact with each other. That's probably why.

What person argued that society as a whole would benefit from individuals acting in their own self-interest?

Adam smith