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A pressurized container explodes.

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Q: Mechanical harm can result when?
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When can mechanical harm result from?


What are the bad and good effects of mechanical energy?

mechanical energy good effects: no waste Bad Effects: over use can harm

Osteoarthritis may develop as a result of mechanical stress on the?

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What harm can result from bullying?

its come to life threating health problems

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Result of 8th sem mechanical engineering from GGS Kharar?

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The growth of plant roots and animal activity may result in .?

mechanical weathering

When waves travelling from one medium to another medium its speed changeswhy?

The speed of a mechanical wave depends on the mechanical properties of the medium. When the mechanical properties of the medium change, the speed of the mechanical wave changes as a result. The speed of an electromagnetic wave depends on the electrical properties of the medium. When the electrical properties of the medium change, the speed of the electromagnetic wave changes as a result.

Is wind considered mechanical energy?

Mechanical Energy is defined as "Energy that is the result of matter in motion." I THINK that makes wind mechanical. (Well, really, I hope it is, because that's what it says on my science project)

What are two ways mechanical weathering change rocks?

Two forms of mechanical weathering are frost heaving and plant root wedging. All forms of mechanical weathering result in the breakage of rock into smaller size particles.

Does a harm occur in any crime?

Define "harm." Some "harm" definitely arises from being the victim of ANY offense. Not all offenses result in physical harm to the victim, but virtually all offenses involve at least some degree of psychological or emotional distress.