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Really? Am I answering your 3rd grade geography homework, or are you doing a cross word puzzle. A lake... or a pond I guess would fit too. Is it #7 across?

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Q: Medium-sized body water surronded by land. What is it called?
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What is a fresh body of water completely surronded by land called?

a lake

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What is a body of water surronded by land?


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pennisula if it is surroned on three sides and a island if completely surronded by water!

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vertical movement of a body of water called

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An underground body of water is called?

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The body of water where fresh water from a river mixes with salt water is called an estuary. This commonly an enclosed body of water.

A large inland body of water?

A large inland body of water is called a lake.

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A narrow body of water connecting two larger bodies of water is called a Strait.