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Mercy killing should be legalized because of the following reasons:

1) The patient is near his or her end.

2) The patient has unendurable pain.

3) All possible ways to avoid the pain have been attempted but are useless.

4) The patient expresses his or her own will to accept mercy, they are never forced.

5) Forcing patients to remain alive against their wishes causes healthcare expenditures to rise astronomically.

6) Allowing the option of suicide for terminal patients would save taxpayers billions of dollars annually.

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Q: Mercy killing should be legal for or against?
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Why Mercy killing should be legal?

Mercy killing, also known as euthanasia, should be legal because it allows individuals who are suffering from terminal illnesses or in unbearable pain to have a dignified and peaceful death if they choose to end their own lives. Legalizing mercy killing also respects individual autonomy and the right to die with dignity.

Is mercy killing legal in the Philippines?

No it is not as the country is very Catholic.

It is the right that mercy killing will be legal?

Many people will have different opinions on this subject. I believe it should be legal. I believe it should be your choice to end your own life, not your governments. I believe one of the main reasons it is against the law is because of religious beliefs. Laws should be based upon facts and science not religion.

Is mercy killing legal for animal?

Yes. Animals are "put to sleep" all the time.

Why is mercy killing illegal?

Whether or not mercy killing (euthanasia) should be legalised is totally the opinion of whom you are asking. I am in favor of it in certain circumstances, but many other people would be against it in all circumstances, usually due to some fantastical religious belief. So everyone will have a differing opinion depending on who you ask.This site is WikiANSWERS, not WikiOPINIONS and this is not question. It is ia premise for debate, argument and discussion which cannot be answered in a definitive manner and is better sutied to a blog or chatroom.

What is another name for mercy killing?

Mercy killing is the killing of an individual by another one. The victim is generally, terminally ill and wants to end his life. Mercy killing is done with the consent of the victim, but there are many cases recorded where it has been done without the consent of the victim.......Mercy killing is legal in many western countries...but it is still not legalized in India.

Why mercy killing is wrong?

Arguably, it can still be considered "playing God." Also, this is on a shaky ground since how can it be proven if the person wanted to die or if they were sane enough to form legal consent? Because of that, someone could commit murder, make it look like assisted suicide, and argue that it was a mercy killing.

Is euthanesia or mercy killing acceptable?

No, because what if wer are wrong and jails make money keeping people in it and it creates jobsAdded: Are you asking about Mercy Killing or about Euthanasia. They ARE different!(in the US) Three states already have Euthanasia laws and a fourth state that partially accepts the concept.

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Killing is an illegal offence.

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Should churches have legal control over individuals?

Churches should have legal control because he is guardian of the individual. He instruct the individual through the spiritual works of mercy. Man should allow himself to be corrected by his wrong doing because God instruct the church.

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A killing of a person by governmental authorities without the sanction of any judicial proceeding or legal process. So the person may have been killed by the government without having had a trial.