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Many people will have different opinions on this subject. I believe it should be legal. I believe it should be your choice to end your own life, not your governments. I believe one of the main reasons it is against the law is because of religious beliefs. Laws should be based upon facts and science not religion.

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Q: It is the right that mercy killing will be legal?
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Related questions

Why Mercy killing should be legal?

IF mercy killing would not made legal it would be termed as crime.

Is mercy killing legal in the Philippines?

No it is not as the country is very Catholic.

What is another name for mercy killing?

Mercy killing is the killing of an individual by another one. The victim is generally, terminally ill and wants to end his life. Mercy killing is done with the consent of the victim, but there are many cases recorded where it has been done without the consent of the victim.......Mercy killing is legal in many western countries...but it is still not legalized in India.

Is mercy killing legal for animal?

Yes. Animals are "put to sleep" all the time.

Is Mercy killing humane?

The question is who has the right to say exactly when a mercy killing is justifiable. More often than not "Mercy " killings are done to relieve the caregiver of an unwanted responsibility; rather than out of genuine concern for the patient. Who gets to decide exactly when "Quality of Life" has reached a point where a mercy killing is justifiable?

What are the example of mercy killing?

Plastic bag suffocation is a great example of mercy killing.

Is euthanasia same as mercy killing?

Yes mercy killing is another way of saying euthanasia.

Difference between euthanasia and mercy killing?

There is no difference, "Euthanasia" is just the Greek word of mercy killing!

What is the major difference between mercy killing and euthanasia?

There is no difference, "Euthanasia" is just the Greek word of mercy killing!

What is the negative and positive aspects of mercy killing?

are you kidding me. i think mercy killing is both positive and negative effects. the positive effects are that if the person is begging you to end there life, then you should, the person hat is being killed should have the right to choose there own destiny . the negative effects are that you could live the rest if your life in regret, and mercy killing is basically still the killing of a human soul so you shouldn't do it.

Malaysia justice for mercy-killing?


How do you stop mercy killing?
