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It's PMD ( previous menstrual disorder) It's nothing wrong with you It's just that your period is coming but it's just a little late

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Q: Mild period like cramping on the day you are supposed to get period no period?
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Im having slight period pains can you still be pregnant?

Yes you can be pregnant, i had mild period like cramping when i fell pregnant with my 3 kids.

Is it unusual to have period cramps in the first month of pregnancy?

Yes, mild cramping is normal in early pregnancy. For me it felt like that little bit of cramping I would get just before my period would start, the mild cramps that let me know bigger cramps would be coming. Only in early pregnancy, bigger ones shouldn't come. Mild and slightly uncomfortable, but not excruciating and dibilitating in the way period cramps can sometimes be.

Can feel like the start of a period be signs of pregnancy?

Yes. Mild cramping, sore breasts, light spotting, every body getting on your nerves, fatigue. All signs that your period is coming, but it never does. Must be pregnant!

What is random cramping that comes after ovulation but before your period that only last a couple of minutes and is centered in the middle like where your uterus is?

I dont think thats supposed to happen... maybe its twins.

Is mild period like cramping normal for several days when just starting birth control?

Some women complain of cramps in the first months of pill use. This side effect improves with time.

Will implantation cramping make you feel like an oncomming period?


Why am i cramping but i haven't got my period i was supposed to get my period on sep 26 and i still havent got it i had sex like almost 2weeks ago but we used a condom?

I feel ya, im suppose to have my period and i have cramping as well but no period, i have been off depo for 2 months...i'm so worried about being pregnant, i was on birth control in Sept. but dont know when to start it again, because no long have you been off Depo?

Can you have vaginal bleeding and cramping like a monthly period and still be pregnant?


Which is the earliest stage of miscarraige?

The earliest sign of a miscarraige is painful cramping and bleeding. Some cramps are normal, as well as pink or brown bleeding. The cramping that is normal will feel like mild period cramps. Any type of painful cramping as opposed to minor discomfort I would recommend going to the hospital.

What could be wrong if you are cramping but not bleeding?

It's not unheard of for period like cramping to occur as early as 7-14 days before your period. However the cramping may be caused by a UTI, approaching period or even Ovulation. If the cramping is severe enough to require pain killers & your period doesn't arrive on time, then see your Doctor for a pregnancy blood test & also have a urine test performed for a UTI.

Brown discharge and cramping Is this implantation cramping?

it deffinatly sounds like it, however, I had a period that started off that way. If you have missed a pill that could be the reason why

Is it normal for the cramping to stop during early pregnancy?

Yes. Cramping during early pregnancy comes and goes.