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Q: Minute projection extending from the walls of the small intestine and invoved in absorbing products of digestion?
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Much of the digestion that occurs in the large intestine is caused by?

No digestion occurs in the large intestine; digestion is finished in the small intestine. In the large intestine absorption takes place, then the waste materials are egested.

Most chemical digestion occurs in which intestine?

Majority of digestion occurs in the small intestine.

Where digestion completed?

The digestion finishes at the Small intestine.

What parts of the digestive system are responsible for absorbing nutrients?

The stomach, small intestine, and large intestine are the digestive organs responsible for absorbing nutrients.

What does small intestine do in digestion?

The small intestine is where the vast majority of digestion and absorption of food takes place.

A projection from the wall of the small intestine?


Where does the majority of all digestion take place?

The digestion is completed in the small intestine.

Does the small intestine have mechanical or chemical digestion?

Yes, in part. Chemical digestion occurs in the mouth (saliva), stomach (gastric acid) and small intestine. The nutrients are mostly absorbed in the walls (lining) of the small intestine.

Is the large intestine mechanical digestion or chemical?

The large intestine is mechanical digestion; it absorbs water and is involved in peristalsis. It has nothing to do with enzymes, which is chemical digestion.

Why Digestion does not occur in large intestine?

Minor fiber digestion by bacteria goes on in the large intestine, and water is absorbed, but no major lipid/protein/carbohydrate digestion occurs. All of that goes on higher up in the system.

Is the large Intestine a mechanical or a chemical digestion?

As far as I know there is no digestion at all in the large intestine, only absorption.

Is a large intestine a mechanical digestion?

Chewing is mechanical digestion.