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I wanted to post my expeience here b/c I have been going through a miscarriage- I'm pretty sure, but everything I have read about is kind of vague. THIS WILL BE GRAPHIC- AS I HAVE HAD SO MANY QUESTIONS TO WHAT IT ALL LOOKS LIKE -HOPEFULLY THIS CAN ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS TO. I began a light period on Tuesday as expected. Come Saturday night (11pm) I felt like I might have "wet" myself a bit so I went to the bathroom to change my tampon and noticed that I didn't wet ,but it was all blood--I'm thinking- WOW my period is heavy ,so I used 2 reg. absorb tampons- not reccomended, but it was all I had.

With in two hours I had blead through these and my clothing ( I was driving home for about 1hr ). When I went to the bathroom again it felt like a huge ball of slimy "jello" just came out with the tampons and plopped into the toilet- this clot was about the size of orange and erally dark red. I was a bit freaked out, but ok big blood clot. Over the next three hours, just about every 1/2 hour or so I would be woken up from being soaked and I would go to the bathroom -same thing....BIG blood clots -bled through everything. At this point I knew this wasn't just a heavy period and called a Dr. Her advice was to take a preg. test and go from there.

I was actually out of town and staying with a friend so I just opted to go to the ER b/c NOTHING felt right. Now I could actually feel when a clot was ready to come down and would run to the bathroom- still about every 1/2 hour. ER does a preg test and it's posative- I had NO idea I was pregnant!! They do blood work, vitals, ultra sound etc. I am pregant, but it appears I'm miscarring???? What does that mean, appears? I asked for a more soild diagnosis and had to wait for radiology. They pretty much confirmed this, but my discharge papers only say Threatened Abortion- I don't even know how far along I was.

About 9 hrs into this I had very light bleeding and began to have more severe cramping, but still mild for about 1/2 hr and then I pass, for lack of a better term a greyish sausage looking thing, about the size of my thumb. Cramping stopped and bleeding went back to light. I am now 14 hrs into this and still light bleeding small clots. I called my Dr. and am going in 1st thing in the AM and was told to keep the "thing" and bring it in- I think it's the actual sac, but I can't really take looking at it. I am still almost positive that I have miscarried, but I am waiting for my Dr.'s confirmation. Hope this helps!

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Q: Miscarriage or blod clot
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its a miscarriage :(

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Is it a miscarriage if you have a Blood clot at 5 weeks pregnant?

Recently I experienced my third miscarriage at 4 weeks. I had two days of heavy bleeding and one day when a very large clot plopped into the toilet, which was the amniotic sac.Yes you do pass clots and tissue.Good luck and blessings!

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Is light cramping with pinkish bleeding and very small clot normal?

It was due to a miscarriage - it was the beginning of one anyways.

Did you have a miscarriage if you had severe pains for several hours and when you went to the bathroom a big clot came out and then the pain stopped?

It is quite possible you had a miscarriage. Did you know you were pregnant? Have you had an ultrasound scan before or since?

Is a white pinkish color clot a sign of a miscarriage?

Yes If you are pregnant and are passing blood clots, go to an emergency room immediately.

Can you bleed a lot at the start of a miscarriage?

While many women who miscarry will start with only spotting, it is possible that the first sign of miscarriage can be heavy bleeding, possibly with clot or tissue passage.