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False. It may make someone feel less intoxicated, but it doesn't actually make them less intoxicated, nor does it balance out the effects.

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Q: Mixing stimulants and depressants like alcohol and amphetamines will balance out the effects making a person feel less intoxicated or wired. True or False?
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What will stimulants do to a person who is intoxicated?

It could be fatal because amphetamines are stimulants and alcohol is a depressant and those don't mix well Might not kill you but not that smart It will just make you a tweaking drunk

What group of drugs does alcohol come from?

alcohol is under the category of depressants

Are depressants more dangerous than stimulants?

Most types of alcohol are depressants while most drugs are stimulants. It is generally believed that depressants are not more dangerous than stimulants and that it is, in fact, the other way around.

What are some examples of Depressants and Stimulants?

DepressantsBarbiturates TranquillzersRohypnolGHBThere are different kinds of depressants. Alcohol can be used as a depressant, as well as benzo type drugs and barbiturates.

Are depressants similar to the effects of alcohol?

No. Depressants are the opposite of stimulants. Stimulants are drugs that stimulate the brain and central nervous system, speeding up communication between the two. Depressants slow down the activity of the brain and nervous system, slowing down the communication between the two.

Can you take Focalin with alcohol?

Yes you can but it isnt recommended because mixing CNS stimulants and depressants can be very dangerous to your health. Have fun and be safe!

Is alcohol a depressant or stimulant?

Stimulants are drugs that give you energy while depressants calm the body down. Alcohol has the ability to do both of these things. It can be confusing to understand, but alcohol is a depressant drug.

Can alcohol and drugs effect if a parent abuses a child If so how?

alcohol and drugs can have different effects on people depending on the person and what kind (stimulants, depressants, etc) Some alcohol and drugs can increase aggression in users and may contribute to parent abuse.

Group of Drugs that slow down the body's functions?

Alcohol and marijuana are two drugs that slow a persons reactions, alcohol can also slow down the body's functions and can shut down a persons liver. Almost all other drugs are stimulants that can speed a persons heart rate and brain activity.

How you can solve your problem?

Alcohol and anti-depressants.

Is depressants legal or not?

it depends on what king of depressants like alcohol and panadol is legal while heroin is illegal

An adult is considered too intoxicated?

A blood alcohol level in excess of 0.8% is considered intoxicated.