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public education meant that their readership was much more varied than it had ever been before.

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Modernist writers couldn't make assumptions about their readers because they believed in the fragmentation of experience and the need to challenge traditional literary conventions. This led to more ambiguous and complex narratives that required active engagement from the reader to interpret and make meaning from the text. The shift towards subjective perspectives and non-linear storytelling meant that writers could not assume a passive or uniform audience response.

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symbolic meaning

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Q: Modernist writers couldn't make assumptions about their readers because?
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Because they couldn't make assumptions about the educational or cultural background of their readers Modernist writers had to establish within the story in a way that would make sense to the carefree?

symbolic meaning

Modernist writers couldn't make assumptions about their readers because of?

the increasing diversity and fragmentation of their audiences due to urbanization, industrialization, and the various social, political, and cultural upheavals of the time. This made it challenging for modernist writers to predict their readers' backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives, leading them to abandon traditional narrative techniques and experiment with new forms of expression.

Why couldn't Modernist writers make assumptions about their readers?

Modernists, especially those who wrote in the early years of the 20th century, had a much wider audience but the readership was also much more varied in location and culture.

Which is a way that Modernist writers make plot new?

Type your answer here... Not telling readers the resolution

What techniques was one way Modernist writers compensated for the fact that they couldn't make assumptions about their readership the way past writers could?

Modernist writers experimented with stream of consciousness, fragmentation, and unreliable narrators to engage readers in new ways and challenge traditional literary conventions. By embracing ambiguity and complex narrative structures, they invited readers to actively participate in constructing meaning and interpreting their works.

A reading of Plato's Phaedo asks readers to question their assumptions of?

justice, morality, and heroism.

What effect did widespread public education have on Modernist writers?

It meant they couldn't assume that their readers would have the same educational backgrounds or values

How is compression a Modernist technique?

Compression is a Modernist technique because it involves condensing language or form to its essential elements, focusing on economy and precision in expression. Modernist writers sought to break away from traditional narrative styles and explore new ways to convey meaning in a more concise and impactful manner. Compression allows for a greater emphasis on the core themes and ideas of a work, challenging readers to engage more actively with the text.

What audience did James Joyce intend his audience to be?

James Joyce intended his audience to be readers interested in exploring experimental and modernist literature. He wanted to challenge traditional storytelling conventions and engage with readers who were open to innovative narrative techniques and complex themes.

What is one way modernist start their story with a climax?

One way modernist writers start their story with a climax is by employing the narrative technique known as "in medias res," where the story begins in the middle of the action or at a critical moment. This technique grabs the reader's attention immediately and sets the tone for the rest of the narrative.

Looking at is the key to inferring the author's beliefs perspectives and assumptions?

Yes, examining the text closely is essential for understanding the author's beliefs, perspectives, and assumptions. By analyzing the language, tone, and underlying themes, readers can uncover the author's intentions and underlying messages. This process allows for a deeper interpretation of the text and helps readers gain insights into the author's worldview.

What is an element of internal monologue in modernist writing?

An element of internal monologue in modernist writing is the use of stream of consciousness technique, where the narrator's thoughts and feelings are presented in a continuous flow without a traditional structure. This technique provides insight into the character's mind and allows readers to experience the immediacy of their thoughts.