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Anyone can present a bill to Congress, but it is usually a representative of the people that presents a bill for a Congressional vote. It is in the best interest of the person wanting a bill to be passed to get the approval of the bill first from a Congressman.

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They are introduced by the individual members of either the House or the Senate.

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What are the sources of the bills introduced into the congress?


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What are the sources of the bills introduced into congress?

Senators only

What do most bills become before Congress?

Most bills before Congress

What happens to most bills in committee?

A bill cannot become a law until it is passed by the legislature, and most of the time approved by the executive. However, most of the bills introduced in state legislatures are stopped early in the process.

Describe the two types of bills that may be introduced and three types of resolutions that may be passed in congress?

the two types of bills are private and public bills the three types of resolutions are simple, joint, and concurrent

Where do most bills die in congress?

In committee

Which is not a way a bill can be introduced into congress?

Only people who work in a government office may introduce bills.

Who can assign a number to a bill that is being introduced to congress?

The assignment of numbers to bills being introduced in Congress is typically the responsibility of the Clerk of the House of Representatives or the Secretary of the Senate, depending on the chamber in which the bill is being introduced.

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Who introduces revenue bills into Congress?

Tax legislation can only be introduced by the U.S. House of Representatives. The House can also introduce bills pertaining to spending.

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