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A HIV infected mother should not breastfeed her baby.

I wanted to ad some things to this question. In parts of the world where people have difficulty obtaining and/or affording infant formula and do not have a dependable source of clean water, it is actually safer for the HIV+ mother to breastfeed, than to try to formula feed. Such mothers may find someone else to feed their babies. It is very common is many such cultures for relatives such as grandmothers, aunts, or older sisters to take part in breastfeeding infants.

Another option for HIV+ mothers is to pump their milk and Pasteurize it before feeding to the baby by bottle. Pasteurization kills the virus, while not damaging the immunities or nutrients in the mother's milk. Since the Human Immunodeficiency Virus was identified, in the early 80s, human milk banks in the USA have been Pasteurizing all milk before freezing it.

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14y ago

No. HIV positive women cannot breast feed. This is because the 4 fluids that transmit HIV are blood, semen, vaginal secretions, and breast milk.

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13y ago

Some viruses, including HIV (the virus that causes AIDS ) can be passed in breast milk; for this reason, women who are HIV-positive should not breastfeed.

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Q: Mother HIV positive - breastfeed baby?
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If mother is HIV positivedoes her foetus also be HIV positive?

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the baby will not be born with aids unless the mother has it. but try not to forget that the mother is still at risk because the man she is sleeping with has it. but unless mother has it, the baby is safe and it's also not possible to be passed throughbreast milk because the mother does not have it.

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In order to have a baby with HIV, the mother must be HIV positive. When a woman realizes she is pregnant it is important for her to be tested for HIV. If she is HIV+, there are treatments available that can nearly eliminate the risk of her child being infected.

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See your doctor immediately. Yes the baby of a pregnant woman can get HIV. However, it is also possible to greatly reduce the odds of the baby getting HIV if the mother is on anti HIV medicine during her pregnancy. Also, your doctor may recommend you do not breast-feed your baby.

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Women do not have sperm. If you're talking about a woman's vaginal secretions then yes it is possible and does on occasional occur during unprotected intercourse.

Why do scientists believe that women with HIV should not breast feed their children?

Breast milk is wonderful in that it imparts what the mother eats to her nursing baby. This is great when the mother is taking in good food and nutrition. Real bad when she has a disease such as HIV. When a baby nurses from her HIV positive mother there is a very high chance that the baby will contract this disease. Having a disease such as HIV is one of the few reasons a mother should not breast feed.

If a mother has HIV is it possible for her child to be born HIV negative?

Yes she definitely can, my daughter is HIV positive, and when we found out she was pregnant they started her on medication right away. She was given medicine during delivery and the baby was on medicine for 6 weeks. He is 9 months old now, and is 100% negative, so yes it is possible :)

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Leleti Khumalo is not HIV positive in real life. However, she played a mother that discovered she was HIV positive in the film Yesterday (2006).

Can a women that has HIV have a healthy baby?

An HIV+ mom can definitely have HIV- babies. She is encouraged to take some medications during her pregnancy to help prevent the baby from developing the disease and she is commonly asked to have a Cesarian section delivery as opposed to a vaginal delivery to help prevent the baby from coming in contact with the mom's blood. The only real requirement is that the mom not breastfeed after the baby is born, since the virus is present in breast milk.

Can a teething baby become infected with HIV if kissed on the mouth by an HIV positive person?


How HIV positive parents can have HIV negative baby?

Yes, actually it happens quite frequently these days.