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Q: Movie where the black man turns into a giant snake?
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What is the name of the old movie where the man turns into a snake because of a snake bite?

SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS and it wasn't a snake bite it was injections of cobra venom.

Is there a snake in Disney's Aladdin?

Yes. Jafar turns into a giant snake when he tries to kill Aladdin after gaining the genie's powers. Jafar also has a staff in the shape of snake that he uses to hypnotise the sultan.

Whats the life cycle of the stars?

A star's life cycle starts from a nebula. For giant stars, the star turns into a huge star to a super red giant to a supernova to a black hole. A sun-like star turns to a red giant, then a planetary nebula, a white dwarf, and then a black dwarf.

What is the name of the movie where the man gets bit on the arm and his hand turns into the snake?

The Bite (1989)

How does a star turn into a red giant?

A star turns into a red giant when it lose fuel and die. If a star isn't a massive star then it expands into a red giant. After that it becomes a white dwarf. If its massive then it collapses on itself and turns into a black hole.

What is the name of the old black and white film about a man who marries and brings his new wife to the estate where she is frightened by what turns out to be her husband's brother a giant frog?

The Maze (1953)

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the trader in the new bionicle movie is Metus and Mata Nui holds him by the fist and turns him into a snake.

Was there a movie where a father who is a scientist turns his son into a giant?

"Honey, I Blew Up the Kid" (1992). Stars Rick Moranis, Marcia Strassman, Lloyd Bridges.

What is the name of a Kung Fu movie where the girl turns into a giant praying mantis and tries to kill her husband David Chiang?

The name of the movie you are referring to is called, "Mantis Fist and Tiger Claws Of Shaolin".

What are the stages of a stars life?

nebula then protosar then red dwarf, yellow star or a blue giant then a red giant then a red super giant then eithr a white dwarf or a supernova from the supernova a black hole or a neutron star if it is a white dwarf it turns into a black dwarf then a black holeNebulaBaby starStarGiant or supergiantWhite dwarfBlack dwarf

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It turns into a giant spider.

What is the name of the movie where the dog turns into a black lion at the end?

The Secret of Moonacre, which is based on the book, The Little White Horse.