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It was AlMadinah (or Medina) in Saudi Arabia.

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Q: Muhammad established what city as the political center of Islam?
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The religion of Islam was established by which prophet?

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

Why was the Muhammad's government unique?

Muhammad created an Islamic state- a government that uses its political power to uphold Islam.

Where did the political center of Islam shift under the Umayyads?

The political centre of Islam was Damascuss under the Umayyad Caliphate.

What religion was Muhammad a prophet of?

Islam and is the second largest religion of the worldIslamMuhammad is the main proptet in the religion Islam. He is not the religion, but the center of the religion.

Who established the religion of Islam?

actually people think that islam was established by prophet Muhammad(saws) but the Quran says, the first human being, the first prophet is in fact a Muslim-Adam(a.s.) followed islam only

How did Muhammad bring Islam is into Arabia?

Muhammad preached the message of Islam in Mecca, facing opposition from the Quraysh tribe. He eventually migrated to Medina, where he gained followers and established a community based on Islamic principles. Through his teachings, leadership, and example, Muhammad successfully spread Islam throughout Arabia.

What is the main idea of the section The Life and Teachings of Muhammad?

Muhammad established the religion of Islam and spread Islamic beliefs and way of life across the Arabian peninsula.

When did Islam emerge from Arabia?

Islam emerged from Saudi Arabia in the early 7th century AD. The prophet Muhammad dictated the Qu'ran and established a new theology.

What state did Islam begin?

The first Muslim state was established in Madina Munawra, the last Prophet of Islam Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (SAW) being the Head.

Who is Muhammad from Islam?

Muhammad was the founder of Islam and the proclaimer of the Qurʾān, Islam's sacred scripture.

Muhammad established the religion of Islam when was he born?

Prophet Muhammad (peace upon him) was born in year 570 AD. God revelation of Quran to him started when he was 40 years old.

What accomplishments did the prophet Muhammad do?

He preached Islam and established a Muslim state at Madina that later on became an Empire. Islam is the second largest religion of the world, the first being Christianity.