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This depends upon the degree of the fusion defect and how much time and effort you are willing to put into this dog. If the spinal cord is visible, I would strongly suggest euthanizing - the puppy will be extremely susceptible to ascending meningitis, which is a painful infection of the tissues around the spinal cord and brain and can often be fatal.

If the spinal canal is completely fused and the puppy has normal locomotion, it may be able to live a relatively normal life.

You will need to talk to your veterinarian about the possible complications, probable quality of life and the time and financial demands the puppy will have for the rest of its life to make this decision.

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Q: Must a puppy with spina bifida be put down?
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In spina bifida does the cerebrum and part of the brain stem never develop?

No, that is not a part of Spina Bifida. What does happen with many children with Spina Bifida is a condition called Arnold Chiari II, which causes the cerebellum and the brain stem to extend down into the area where the spinal cord is, which can cause various problems such as swallowing and feeding problems in the infant with Spina Bifida.

Can spina bifida cause death?

Spina Bifida in and of itself does not cause death, however, in patients with Spina Bifida Cystica, the opening in the back leaves the baby susceptible to meningitis. For that reason, it is important that the opening be closed as soon as possible after birth. Many babies with Spina Bifida are also born with (or develop) Hydrocephalus, which is a build-up of fluid in the ventricles of the brain. If the Hydrocephalus goes untreated, brain damage, and ultimately death, can occur. One common cause of death in people with Spina Bifida is Arnold-Chiari Malformation Type II. This is a malformation of the brain in which the brain stem extends down into the cerebral tonsils. As a result, the brain may press against spinal nerves that control breathing, which can result in respiratory arrest and death.

Is there any way to detect a carrier of Spina Bifida?

Down syndrome is not a traditional "genetic" malady that is necessarily transferred from a healthy individual,this is a random mutation in the 21st chromosome where there are 3 instead of 2. There is no such thing as a carrier of Down

What are the chances of having a baby with spina bifida?

It depends on who the particular "you" is. For people who have no family history, the worldwide average is about 0.1 - 0.2%, but for those who do have a family history it can be as high as 3% without folic acid supplementation. In the US, we recommend that all pregnant women, and all women who are considering getting pregnant, take 0.4 mg of folic acid per day. If the woman has a family history of spina bifida or other neural tube defects, we recommend she takes 4 mg per day. This has the effect of lowering the 3% down to 1%.

What is the life expectancy of a kid with spina bifida?

I have a moderate form of spina bifida, called meningocele, and hydrocephalus but am quite independent. However, I depend on others to drive me places. I also use crutches to walk and anything further than 100 metres requires the use of a wheelchair. I also need to wear splints in order to be able to walk. The hydrocephalus also causes great difficulty retaining important information and being in school surrounded by a large group of my classmates was extremely difficult for me, as I would find myself drifting off after a couple of minutes and then would be suddenly aware that I had lost concentration. The spina bifida also caused nerve damage to my arms and unfortunately I can't write as quickly as a normal, healthy person does. For example, say it takes someone 30 minutes to write out a long paragraph - it would take me double that time to complete the same amount of work. I had a shunt inserted when I was 10 days old and it's still in perfect working order and had an operation on my back when I was 5 years old. In spite of my difficulties I have managed to live a good life so far and long may it continue.

What does the triple marker screen detect?

Triple-Marker tests for congenital defects such as Neural Tube defects (spina bifida, myelo/meningocelle), Edward's syndrome (Trisomy 18), and Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21).

Why are females more likely to get Down syndrome than males?

Females are not more likely to get Down's syndrome. Down's syndrome is slightly more common among males with most studies showing about 106 to 125 boys for every 100 girls. In some studies younger mothers, who have a lower total chance of having a baby with Down's syndrome, have a more skewed male:female ratio when they do (as high as 173 boys for every 100 girls). No one is sure why boy are affected more often.

What would be the best way to deliver a baby with Spina Bifida?

Depending on the severity of defects and where they are located most doctors will advise a c/section. This is to prevent contamination of the open spine and to prevent further damage of the spinal cord while coming down the birth canal.

What is a vitamin that helps reduce Spina Bifida in children?

As far as I remember,folic acid is the most important one. It is recommended to be taken in the first trimester of pregnancy. I remember that it is especially important in preventing defects such as down syndrome. I also remember my physician mentioning nuchal translucency every time she asked me if I'm taking folic acid.

Can children with Spina Bifida participate in regular physical education classes?

To a certain extent, they can. Some adaptation of the activities may be necessary. Of course anything involving use of the legs may have to be done sitting down. One thing I did as a teen with Spina Bifida was weightlifting, as my upper body strength is much better than my lower body strength. Of course it would be a good idea to discuss what activities a child with Spina Bifida can safely participate in with his/her physician and see if the school can make some adaptions to include the child in more activities. Children with Spina Bifida may be able to throw a basketball into a basket, or hit a baseball with a bat, and let someone else do the running part or else have someone help them by pushing them if they are in a wheelchair. So a cooperative effort would help the child to participate in sports and other physical education activities. I participated in softball games as a child with Spina Bifida myself, when I was on crutches, by hitting the ball myself, and then having another child do the running around the bases. As an adult, I once played volleyball but was allowed to throw the ball instead of hitting it the normal way, because I wasn't able to manage that and stay upright on my crutches. A child who normally uses crutches or a walker might want to use a wheelchair temporarily during physical education classes to make such activities easier for them to do. They can push themselves or have someone push them in a wheelchair if the students are running on a track.

Can you feel your private part if your paralyzed from the waist down?

Yes you can very well feel your private parts. As you are paralyzed downwards you can still use your hands to feel your private parts.

Physical characteristics of spina bifida?

There are a few different symptoms that you might experience if you have spina bifida. These symptoms include loss of sensation in the legs and feet, unable to control the bladder, and poor bowel control.