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Yes. It is called 'Full faith and credit' and it means that even if the state does not have the law or have different requirements for the law , they must give credit to people that are acting under the law of their state. For example, marriage's are performed under the laws of the state they're performed in, but other states respect the fact that you are married.

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Q: Must the actions of one state be recognized by all other states?
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Singapore is not a state. It is a country. This is because to be considered a state, there are three requirements: To be a political unit, to have a government which controls the territory, and to be recognized by other states.

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A politically organized territory that is administered by a sovereign government and is recognized by a significant portion of the international community. A state has a defined territory, a permanent population, a government, and is recognized by other states.

Must a legal action in one state be recognized by another?

Yes. The full faith and credit clause of the constitution means that states have to recognize judgments from other states.

Why do you say no state is an island in international relations?

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If you were married in New Hampshire can you get divorced in Florida?

Marriages and divorces performed in any state are recognized in all other states. So yes, you can.

In Article IV in the constitution what does full faith and credit mean?

laws passed in one state are honored by other states.

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