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No. Throw it away.

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Q: My cottage cheese has a pink mold is it safe?
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What cheese grows mold faster between Parmesan Mozzarella and cream cheese?

Well, actually blue cheese is already actually mold or moldy. But don't worry! It's a speacial kind of mold that is perfectly safe to eat. But if you let cream cheese sit for a really long time it will get moldy.

Is it safe to eat cottage cheese every day?


Is broccoli and cheese safe during pregnancy?

Yes, as long as it is a cheese without mold such as blue cheese.

Does all cheese have mold?

Cheese with mould (mold) which has grown on it is not normally safe to eat. But many so-called 'blue' cheeses are made with special types of mould, veined throughout the cheese, which is perfectly edible.

Why is my cheese fuzzy?

That is mold, but don't panic. Slice it away until you get to clear, firm cheese - it's still safe to eat. After all, it wouldn't be cheese in the first place if it wasn't for mold.

Can you eat 10 days old cheese?

Yes, 10-day-old cheese should be safe to eat. If it has mold, you may be able to cut the mold off and the rest of the cheese should be okay.

Can you leave cottage cheese out overnight?

Leaving it out at room temperature too long will allow bacteria and mold to grow on it. It may still be safe to eat It but will not taste the same the next morning.

Is it safe to eat a Thai coconut with pink flesh?

The only pink coconut flesh that I have seen was pink due to mold. I would not recommend eating it.

What ingredients in cheese make mold?

The cheeses with mold include those with a white, dusty looking covering, and those veined with blue or green. Cheeses covered with whitish dust have a mold called Penicillium camemberti on them. These cheeses include brie camambert and other similar cheeses. Cheeses veined with blue or green usually have a mold called Penicillium roqueforti, and these include roquefort, ordinary blue cheese, Danish blue cheese, and some types of gorgonzola. Traditional gorgonzola is made with Penicillium glaucum. Any cheese can get moldy, but this is not what is supposed to happen. Cheeses such as cheddar, colby, Swiss, gouda, and so on, should not have mold. These cheeses are often protected by a covering of wax, a rind, or a plastic package to prevent air from getting to the cheese. Any cheese that has access to even the tiniest amount of air can get moldy.

If there is mold in a jar of pimentos are they safe to eat?

Unless mold is an actual part of the food (as in blue cheese or brie), do not eat moldy food.

Why does parmesan cheese mold?

Parmesan Cheese molds because cheese is made from MOLD, yup the way cheese is made is by letting mold run its course for a while and then chopping off the bacteria!

Nacho cheese in a can with little mold on it is it safe to eat It wasnt in the can but a contanier?

No. Don't eat food that is moldy.