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A cute message to send your crush for him to see when he wakes up would be, either a good night message or a good morning message with something sweet to make them smile.

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Q: My crush and i have this thing that the last person to fall asleep has to send the first person to fall asleep a cute message well sleeping What is a cute message to send him?
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People are innately curious and will almost always answer the message, "Guess what?" But unless you have an interesting followup, that only works once per person.

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If you have to ask this question then you are too young to be sleeping with anyone.

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It was accually Miley Cyrus. She was the first person he ever dated, and HELLOO! He is so hot, he could get ANYONE((: So if he had a crush on her, he got her. Which he did. P.S. If you like this answer, ADD me or MESSAGE me or ASK me a question! -El

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You can ask the person directly that is your crush. If he likes the other person then you can't do much about it.

Does it matter if you have a crush?

That's normal if you have a crush... All person have a crush....

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the only way you can get over a crush is to not think about that person for some while and then when you get used to it you won't have a big crush on that person.

Can you have a crush on the person you are dating?

yes. it sounds weird, but its true. technically, a crush is someone you kind of like. if you kind of like the person you are dating, you have a crush on them.

How do you know if your crush like me?

You don’t. YOU are the person who has the crush, not the other person. In reality they may not know you exist.