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One cycle of 32 days does not equate to a regular cycle - regular menstrual cycles mean cycles that all follow the same pattern, regular cycles of 32 days or within a week of 32 days for example. It's normal to go up to twelve months without a regular menstrual cycle when coming off the pill so it does take time. If your cycles are still very irregular talk to your doctor about being checked out.

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yes, it is normal to take 6 month to re-start normal cycles. You are not considered infertile until 2 years of trying to get pregnant, because it varies for each woman.

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Q: My cycle is very irregular since coming off the pill 5 months ago This month my cycle was 32 days Does this mean that my cycle is starting to regulate?
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Is it normal to have irregular periods after you stop taking birth control?

Yes, this is completely normal. While on the pill your menstrual cycle was suppressed, coming off the pill your body has to adjust to ovulating and menstruation regularly again - it's a little like starting your periods all over again. It can take up to 12 months for your cycles to regulate again.

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After stopping birth control, your period is likely to return to its previous pattern. If you were irregular prior to starting the pill, you're likely to be irregular after you stop.

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Yes, surgery of any kind (a shock to the system) can cause your body to be "out of whack" for a while, including your cycle. It should regulate itself in a couple months.

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Yes, hormonal contraception stops your menstrual cycles - even if you stop use it will still take time for your cycles to regulate again. It's normal for cycles to be irregular for up to 12 months after you stop hormonal contraception.

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no it will make your period stop for 9 months

How long coming off the pill?

I'm not sure what you meant by your question as it wasn't very clear. The pill will remain in your system for exactly 3 months. During this 3 months your period can arrive anytime - it may be regular or irregular. You can become pregnancy anytime after your withdrawal bleed.

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No. Sometimes your period is irregular because it is trying to form a pattern. If it continues to be irregular for about 5 or 6 months(and you are not pregnant) then you should see a doctor.I would like to add here that I went on the birth control pills to regulate my period. I also had very bad PMS and the pill saved my life. Many women take the pill to help them regulate their period and cycle as well as combat PMS. Call your doctor and talk to him/her about doing this.

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Ovulation normally returns 2-4 weeks after the last pill regardless of how long a woman has been taking the pill. If her periods were irregular prior to using the pill, they are likely to resume their irregular pattern when she stops the pill.

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It can take up to 12 months for your cycles to regulate after stopping provera. This doesn't mean that you won't menstruate in that time, but there may be a lot of irregularity for the first few months.

Is it normal to have a heavy menstrual cycle after the Depo-Provera shot?

Bare in mind that the Depo stops your menstrual cycle for several months - you may experience irregular bleeding while on the Depo. Once you come off Depo it takes time for your hormones to regulate again to have a normal menstrual cycle, during this time menstruation can be heavier than normal due to hormonal imbalance.

How irregular are your periods for your first year?

You can't really say because everybody is different. But it's usually the first 6 months that will be the most irregular.

Does the vaginal ring help regulate your period?

No,the patch wouldn't regulate your period. If your period is irregular it is because ovulation is irregular, as the patch works to suppress your menstrual cycles to prevent ovulation then that means you don't menstruate. Like the pill you get a withdrawal bleed caused by the drop in synthetic hormones when the active hormones are stopped, this occurs regularly but is in no way the same as having a regular period.