

Best Answer

1. Consult your vet

2. Buy a tick remover and spend some quality time with your dog.

3. Have your dog shaved. The heads will remain, but they aren't a problem.

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Q: My dog has a lot of ticks How do you get them all off?
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How do you treat German shepherd if they have ticks?

Gently pull the ticks off the dog with gloves on. If you are concerned the ticks passed a disease to the dog, save the ticks and show the vet to test them

How can you get seed ticks off of your dog?

The first thing that you need to do is bath you dog with a flea shampoo. then apply K9 Advantix to your dog. The ticks will die and fall off, you may also pick or brush their dead bodies off of your dog. Give your dog a 25mg tablet of benadryl to relieve the itching. Take your dog to the vet if your dog is really biting. Good luck, seed ticks suck!

How can one treat dog ticks without hurting the dog?

There are many great ways to rid your dogs of ticks. The most common way is to get Tick Shampoo to wash the Ticks off of animals without harming them.

Are ticks are parasitic bloodsuckers?

they can be if they carry a parasite. not all ticks do, but they all feed off of blood

Can humans get tics from a dog?

Ticks can and will crawl off one animal onto another.

Can dog ticks feed off humans?

Yes and you can get lyme disease and it can make you very sick.

Do dogs get sick over ticks?

yes. But it also depends on what type of tick they get, the dogs age and how strong their immune system is. No, many dogs have ticks, just tell parents to remove them ;) Or just buy special tick collar - is it available in your country ? My dog also had immunization against fleas and ticks. ~Maite

Can ticks transfer from a dog to a human?

They can i your not careful to take them off you either need to burn them off or pick them off with a needle. The answer is yes. A tick is a tick and you are a mammal, so it doesn't matter - the ticks would like to bite either of you.

How do you get hundreds of ticks off a dog?

Wash your pet with any shampoo recommended by a vet or rub it in Vaseline. The Vaseline suffocates ticks and kill them. :) Hope it worked. Sorry if it didn't. ♥

How do you get rid of tics in your house after your friends dog was here?

Avoid the temptation to do something, meaning spray insecticides. Your risk of ticks in your house is very low.Even if your friend's dog had ticks on it, those ticks are actively trying to bite and latch onto the dog in order to feed. Assuming that somehow some tick or two fell off of the dog and are on your floor, the likelihood is that it will die on its own or be sucked up next time you vacuum. If you should see a tick, simply kill (squash) it or flush it Avoid the temptation to do something, meaning spray insecticides. Your risk of ticks in your house is very low.Even if your friend's dog had ticks on it, those ticks are actively trying to bite and latch onto the dog in order to feed. Assuming that somehow some tick or two fell off of the dog and are on your floor, the likelihood is that it will die on its own or be sucked up next time you vacuum. If you should see a tick, simply kill (squash) it or flush it

Why in Fallout 3 does your dad turn into a dog in tranquility lane?

I am pretty sure that your dad ticks the overseer off so he turns him into a dog to keep his mouth shut

Why is the third hand on the watch called the second hand?

Because it ticks off the seconds. The first hand ticks off the hours, and the minute hand ticks off the minutes.