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you need to get to the vet asap

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Q: My dog swallowed a huge lamb bone whole?
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What if a child swallowed small lamb bone?

what if a child swallowed small lamb bone

What should you do if your dog ate two raw lamb chops?

Unless the dog swallowed the bones whole, nothing needs to be done. I feed my dogs raw lamb almost every day because they burn a huge amount of calories playing and walking. I have yet to see any negative effects.

What is the Hebrew word for shank bone?

Shank bone or lamb bone = zeroa = זרוע

Where is the feather bone located on a lamb?

At the back of the lamb...near its ribs...

What does lamb bone mean?

what does it mean

What if your dog eats a lamb shank bone?

Dogs are carnivores. Depending on the size of the dog a lamb shank bone should cause no harm.

Our golden found a cooked lamb chop bone in our trash and i want to know if she is at risk so can a dog eat a small cooked lamb chop bone?

You should take her to the vet.the bone isn't good for her.

What is the difference between rack of lamb and lamb chops?

In a rack of lamb the ribs/ chops are still joined together in one piece. Lamb chops are separated / individual pieces of meat (and bone)

Why does the Seder meal have a bone of lamb and a chicken neck in it?

The Seder meal uses either a lamb bone or a turkey/chicken neck to represent the Paschal (lamb) sacrifice. The Israelites offered a lamb as a sacrifice at the first Passover. They put the blood of this lamb on their doorways as a signal for the Angel of Death to "Pass-Over" their houses and not kill their firstborn sons. All the other firstborn sons of Egypt died in the tenth and final plague. Modern Passover meals can use a chicken or turkey neck in place of the lamb bone since the Holy Temple is unavailable and they therefore want to use something dissimilar to the sacrificial lamb, yet still use a bone to remind them of the sacrifice.

How do you ask butcher to remove the chine bone from lamb?

You say , Mr. butcher , please remove the chine bone.

What if an adult swallows a small lamb bone?

If an adult swallows a small lamb bone it is likely that the bone will pass harmlessly through the digestive system and be duly eliminated. However, if said adult feels abdominal pain, then the bone is causing trouble somewhere and some medical intervention will be needed.

Where can you buy icelandic lamb in the us?

Whole foods has icelandic lamb from about Oct through Dec