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It would be better for you to keep brushing, and to start flossing as well.


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Q: My gums have been hurting and bleeding a lot when i brush i suspect Periodontitis I'm going to the dentist soon but was wondering if i should keep brushing until then or if it will do damage?
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Should you stop brushing your teeth if it is bleeding?

I was told by my dentist that, contrary to instinct, when your gums bleed, you need to brush more, not less. Healthy gums should not bleed with normal brushing, along with looking a healthy pink hue.

What is gingivities?

Gingivitis is inflamed gums. The most common cause of gingivitis is inadequate oral hygiene. Improving one's oral hygiene through frequent effective brushing and flossing usually reduces or eliminates gingivitis. It is important to differentiate gingivitis from periodontitis. While gingivitis only involves the gums, periodontitis involves the periodontal attachment, that is the tissues that hold the tooth to the jaw bone. Loss of this attachment is most often irreversible, and this condition must be treated with the help of a dentist and dental hygienist. See your dentist for a correct diagnosis and treatment.

You have bleeding gums problem please advise?

Well, I would advise you see a dentist soon. Bleeding gums is usually an indication that the gums are weak and not maintained properly, however that is for your dentist to decide.Viper1You have gingivitis, most likely. Take Chlorhexidine Gluconate mouthwash twice a day and leave it in your mouth to kill can get it by presctiption from your dentist. Floss religiously and brush often until the bacteria is eradicated from underneath your gumline.Gingivitis (gum inflammation) as well as periodontitis can make gums very sensitive and bleed.

What disease is associated with bleeding gums?

Several diseases have bleeding gums as a symptom. The most common diseases would be periodontitis, gingivitis, or gum disease. It is important to rule these out before you go on to looking for more exotic causes of bleeding gums. See a good dentist. Pregnancy can cause bleeding gums, as can birth control pills. This has to do with fluctuating hormone levels. In fact, almost any hormone therapy can cause bleeding gums. Certain anti-seizure medications such as dilantin can cause bleeding gums. Bleeding gums can be associated with certain vitamin deficiencies, such as vitamin C or vitamin K. The latter indicates a problem with the liver. Alcoholism can be a source of bleeding gums. Cancer or cancer treatments can cause bleeding gums. See a dentist and rule out the most common sources of bleeding gums first.

Should you stop brushing your teeth if it is bleeding4ion equals edit?

Yes it might be because you are brushing to hard or gum disease. you should go to a dentist

How do you get rid of gingivities?

How you get rid of it is to see a dentist and they will clean your teeth for you, and then you keep brushing your teeth 3times a day until your next time with the dentist.

What does it mean when your dentist says your gums are flaffing off?

AnswerIt means you brushing needs to improve.

How do you stop a bleeding tooth hole?

see a dentist! stat!

How is plaque prevented?

By brushing and flossing your teeth regularly and by getting regular dentist appointments. If you have excessive plaque, talk to your dentist about it. There are special toothpastes and things like that they can give you.

I got one wisdom tooth pulled on Friday why does my mouth smell rotten?

If your mouth is sore and you haven't been brushing, that could be why. If you have been brushing, go immediately to your dentist, it could be an infection

While brushing your son's molar area begins bleeding?

It is probably because he hasn't been brushing lately, and the plaque is very bad. I have had this happen to me before, no worries just brush better. It might be either gingivitis caused by plaque like the previous . It might also be a new tooth that is erupting, or a loose tooth that will fall out soon. If it bleeds everytime you brush, it would be good to have it checked by a dentist.

What are 4 important habits for caring for your teeth?

flossing brushing well and going to the dentist theres only 3 that i know of!