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I think you should talk to your mom and come up with a plan that will work for both of you. I understand that your are way too young and should not have made that decision but on the other hand that is your biological child. I am a firm believer that one should take care of ones responsibilities. If you give that child up knowing you wanted it, years will go by and you will wonder where is that child. It will be a big weight to carry around.

I also don't think anyone but you can decide whether to do that or not. it's your child not hers and it might mean you have to move but she still have to provide for you. Contact a socialworker since if you have to move out they are the ones that will have to help you. They can also help you speak to your mom since stayoing with her is probably the best option for the both of you.

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Q: My mom is making me give up my baby girl to be for adoption. I want to keep my baby more then anything i dont know what i should do or who i should go to?
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You can see the rules for baby adoption in the US online on the website of Child Adoption Laws. They can answer all of your questions and you can see the rules for Baby Adoption. Good Luck!

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YES! Sign NOTHING. Keep your baby! They cannot take your child until you sign. DON'T SIGN. And while you're at it, don't let them IN the hospital, keep them out, try parenting and don't let anyone guilt you into making any type of adoption plan. PAP's will get another baby, this is NOT about them. This is about what your child needs, and that is YOU.

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Well, no. There is always adoption.