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Well I presume the mother is your wife or ex wife and it would be best to talk to her about it or to the therapist.

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Q: My son is autistic - the therapists are all women - my son's mom is slandering me to them - they are making it difficult for me to continue being involved in his therapy sessions - discrimination help?
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Would Employers hire an Autistic?

Employers do hire Autistic people, however normally when they do they don't realize that the person is Autistic. There is a lot of prejudice against Autistic people so even in areas where there are discrimination laws in place Autistic people often cannot find work, Autistic people normally have to hide their Autism from employers to avoid facing discrimination.

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No, autistic people are not 'crazy'. Many autistic people can have mental health issues but they're no more likely to have mental health issues than anyone else and often mental health issues in autistic people is more to do with how society treats autistic people - e.g. depression is more likely in autistic people who are bullied or face discrimination.

What is it called when your afraid or being autistic?

There is no specific term for someone who is afraid of being Autistic.A person is Autistic or they are not, it is pointless being an Autistic person who is scared of being themselves or a neurotypical person who is scared of being something they could never possibly be. Fear of Autism in general is just plain ableism, discrimination against Autistic people.

How differently do they treat autism in America than England?

In short, very differently. In England we have the Autism Act which ensures all Autistic people have a pathway to diagnosis, although there's limited support for Autistic people government staff are supposed to be trained to understand Autistic people, Autistic people don't face healthcare discrimination like in the US where they may be expected to pay more for health insurance, and there are anti-discrimination laws in place. In England we tend to me a lot more accepting of Autistic people. In America there is a lot of scare tactics being used by people like Autism Speaks to make money out of families with Autistic children - Autistic parents are expected to spend thousands and allow their children to be tortured to make them 'normal'. Autistic people can face a lot more discrimination both in terms of employment and healthcare, and generally within society people consider Autistic people to be less than neurotypical people and there are stereotypes about Autistic people being mass shooters or otherwise violent. Often Autistic children are murdered by their parents and there is such a problem of ableism around Autism that people support the murders. I'm Autistic and live in the UK, but I will be moving to the US to live with my Autistic husband - the difference in attitudes between the two countries is as different as chalk and cheese.

What jobs in the UK are not available to people with Asperger's Syndrome?

Well its very hard to answer on a global scale but certainly in the UK you are not barred legally to work due to Asperger's due to the Disability Discrimination Act, but all job applicants are legally dealt with on a case by case basis and at the end of the day.

Where can you get practical help as an autistic adult in the UK?

For the most part you can't get help as an Autistic adult in the UK. Depending on what sort of support you need often we're funneled through the mental health side of the NHS, even when we have no mental health problems and therapists are often grossly under-educated about Autism, whereas things like support to get into employment or with day-to-day support is non-existent. If you require support your best first step is to approach The National Autistic Society, they do the most for us Autistic people in the UK and may be able to help you.

How do you get autistic spectrum?

Autism Spectrum Disorder is a neurological condition, autistic people are born autistic - we do not know why people are autistic.

How bad is an autistic disorder?

Depends on how you look at it. I look at it in the sense that we are all different and should be accepted for who we are. Unfortunately autistic people experience immense discrimination. If you're asking how badly it affects development and basic functioning then the spectrum for that is so broad that you really need to talk to a doctor to know the true extremity of the condition.

How long does it take for someone to become autistic?

A person is born autistic - they do not become autistic.

Is jimmy carlin autistic?

He's not autistic

Do doctors run certain tests to find out if someone is autistic?

Yes, doctors typically use behavioral assessments and interviews with the individual and their family to diagnose autism spectrum disorder. They may also order certain tests, such as genetic testing or brain imaging, to rule out other possible causes or to better understand an individual's specific strengths and challenges.

Can a doctor refuse surgery because the child has autism?

No, a doctor cannot refuse surgery to someone based on the fact that they are Autistic, this would count as discrimination. I can't think of any time when this would be acceptable.