

My turtles wouldn't eat what shell I do?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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Ummm maybe you should feed it something else, or Google seearch what they might eat? :P

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Q: My turtles wouldn't eat what shell I do?
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their shell

Can turtles eat?

no because it has a shell that is hard and you cant eat the shell because the shell is attached to the turtle

What are the sea turtles predators of?

One of the predators of the sea turtle is the tiger shark. People also eat turtles. If an animal can get through the turtle's shell, they will eat the turtle. The shell is the turtle's defense, among other uses. Gulls and crabs eat turtles.

What protects a turtle?

It's shell. (It's body is shielded by a special bony or cartilaginous shell developed from their ribs)

Do snakes eat turtles?

Most turtles do not eat snakes as most of them are vegetarians. Snakes do not eat turtles either because of their hard shell. However, snapping turtles are omnivores and will gladly eat any snake they can catch in their tough, powerful jaws.

Can you eat turtles?

no because it has a shell that is hard and you cant eat the shell because the shell is attached to the turtle

Do turtles have a bottom shell?

yes turtles do have a bottom shell

Why does terrapin has shell?

A terrapin has a shell because it is a turtle, of course. There are 4kinds of turtles: aquatic turtles, land turtles, terrapins, and sea turtles. All turtles have shells.

What are star turtles?

Star Turtles are turtles with star like shell

How do sea turtles shell stay on there back?

A sea turtles shell stays on its back because its attached

What does a turtles shell do?

A turtles shell is a form of armor; it makes it very hard for a predator to bite the turtle.

What preys on turtles?

sometimes red eared sliders like to eat krill .when i got my red eared slider i first gave it pellets and it wouldnt eat but then i bought krill and my turrle loved it!!