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Q: My weight is 60 kg then how many calories food i take?
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How many calories does it take to maintain a weight of 195?

Maintaing a certain weight, regardless of that weight, is about balancing your calorie intake with your calorie expenditure. If you expend as many calories as you eat, you will maintain your weight.

How many calories can you eat before you gain weight?

From 2250 to 3000 calorie food is good if you take daily you can gain weight upto 1 kg per week

How many Calories should be eaten dailey?

Take the weight you want to be, and multiply by 10. That's how many calories. 120 lbs = 1,200 calories 180 lbs = 1,800 calories

What is the best way for a 24 year old man to lose weight?

Exercise. Take in less energy (food) than you use (exercise) Work out how many calories your eating a day (it says on food) try to eat around 2000 calories a day.

How many calories should you take in to lose extreme weight?

For extereme weight, best to get personal medical advice.

If anorexics suddenly eat 2000 calories in one night will they gain weight?

Not exactly. It takes 3,500 extra calories (that you do not burn off) to gain one solid pound of weight. If you eat that many calories, which is probably a considerable amount of food, you will "gain" weight quickly. But most of that is the food and drinks still in your body. That will naturally go down in a day or two as it passes through and out of your body. Also, it does take energy (burning calories) to digest foods, too.

How many days does it take to gain 5 pounds?

weight is measured by calories, not time.

How many calories should you take in to lose weight if you are 5'6 and weigh 320?


How many calories does it take to maintain a weight of 108?

That depends upon how physically active you are.

How many calories should you take to lose weight when you are 5.4 and female?

Your calorie intake will depend on your daily activities. Secondly you will be busy in knowing the calorie content of each food item and then weighing the food articles. Better you reduce some quantity of the food from your diet and take lot of vegetables in your food. You will not feel any weakness and will start loosing your weight.

How many calories equals one pound of weight?

There are about 3,500 calories in a pound. Burn 3,500 calories more than you take in = loose one pound. Take in 3,500 more calories than you burn = gain a pound.

How many calories should i eat to lose weight iam 40 years old 240 pounds 6 feet tal.?

Take the weight you want to be and times it by 10 to find out how many calories to eat to reach and maintain that weight. Example=If you want to weigh 180 pounds you should be eating 1800 calories a day. Don't forget to take into account you can eat more calories if you excercise.