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Q: Name of the fault type of fault description of how far the fault runs of Mt. St. Helens?
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What is the name of the fault that runs up and down the state of California?

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What is the name of the fault line that runs through California that is responsible for so many earth themors?

The San Andreas fault runs through California and is the meeting point of the Pacific and North American tectonic plates.

What is the fault of Haiti?

The San Andreas Fault is the fault line that runs through Haiti.

What is the name of the fault line in north America?

The name of on of the fault lines that is found in North America is called the New Madrid Seismic Zone. It threatens a total of seven states.

What is the name of the fault line found in Indiana?

The fault line in Eastern Iowa is called the Plum River Fault line named after the Plum River By Savanna IL. The line runs from South of Cedar Rapids to Rockford IL.

What major fault runs through san francisco?

San Andreas Fault

What fault runs from San Francisco to Mexico?

The San Andreas Fault runs throughout California down to Baja California, Mexico.

What fault line runs through Alaska?

Denali fault. It is a transform plate boundary