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The Sahara Desert has a low population density due to its harsh environmental conditions, making it difficult for human habitation.

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Q: Name one region with a low population density?
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What is population density of Hudson plains?

The Hudson Plains region in Canada has a very low population density. It is sparsely populated, with a relatively small number of people living across a vast area of flat, marshy terrain. The population density can vary depending on the specific areas within the Hudson Plains.

What does low density of population mean?

Low density of population refers to a situation where there are fewer people living in a given area, resulting in more open space and less crowding. This can impact factors such as infrastructure development, access to services, and opportunities for social interactions. Areas with low population density may have increased challenges in providing efficient services and amenities due to the dispersed population.

What is the population density of the Applachian Plateau of Georgia?

The population density of the Appalachian Plateau region of Georgia is relatively low compared to other parts of the state. The area is known for its rugged terrain and sparse population, with most residents living in small towns or rural areas.

Population density determined by?

Population density is determined by dividing the total population of an area by its total land area. It is typically expressed as the number of people per square mile or square kilometer. High population density indicates a crowded area with many people living closely together, while low population density suggests a more sparsely populated region.

What is the population density of the Himalayas?

The population density of the Himalayas is very low due to its rugged terrain and extreme weather conditions, making it difficult for people to live there permanently. The region is primarily inhabited by indigenous communities and scattered rural settlements.

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Why Jammu Kashmir have low density?

Jammu and Kashmir is a state in India; the population density is not so low for a region in the mountains - 56/km2.

Give reason why arunachal pradesh has low density?

Arunachal Pradesh is a mounteneous region, terefore density of population is very low in Arunachal Pradesh.

What is the population density of patagonia?

The population density of Patagonia is low, with vast expanses of land and low population concentration. The region is known for its rugged terrain and harsh climate, which has limited human settlement.

What is the name of a country with a low population density?

I think it serbia or cyprus

A region of low density in a wave?

A region of low density in a wave is called a rarefaction. It is characterized by a decrease in the amplitude of the wave, resulting in a lower density of particles or energy in that particular region compared to surrounding areas.

Is the population density high or low in Alaska?


Match each type of area with the correct level of population density.?

Urban area: High population density Suburban area: Moderate population density Rural area: Low population density

What is population density of Hudson plains?

The Hudson Plains region in Canada has a very low population density. It is sparsely populated, with a relatively small number of people living across a vast area of flat, marshy terrain. The population density can vary depending on the specific areas within the Hudson Plains.

Why population density is low in Himalayas?

no answer

What is a low dentisy?

Low density is when a country has a low number of population.

Why does America have a low density population?

it doesn't. America's population is a medium density population that is predominantly in coastal regions

State having lowest density of population?

The moon has a remarkably low population density.