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Boss, grandparents, parents, ex

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Q: Name someone who you'd hate to accidentally forward a personal email too?
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Why do you use forward in Email?

Forward allows you to forward the message to someone else. However, be careful-- email should be private unless you have good reason to forward.

How do you hide the email address of someone you have received email from that you would like to forward to another person?

When forwarding a mail to someone, you can hide the email address of the person who sent it to you. Simply click on forward. It will show you the details where it was forwarded from. Select the text and delete it.

What does it mean to have email hosting services?

If someone has email hosting services it means that they pay someone else or another company to host their email. This means they deal with the spam by filtering and forward the email to the correct recipients.

How would someone forward mail to another account?

In you email account, choose settings from the drop down menu available. From settings, choose account and click on the forward option. Enter the email address to which to forward email from the current inbox and click apply or okay.

What does the forward mean on email?

It means to send an e-mail you received to someone else.

How can get wildlife photographs and information sent to your email?

Someone can take the pictures, and then they can put attachments on the email, and then they can send it to you, and then they forward it to a bunch of people.

How can you get wildlife photographs and information sent to your email?

Someone can take the pictures, and then they can put attachments on the email, and then they can send it to you, and then they forward it to a bunch of people.

Can you forward forwarded mail that has already been forwarded?

Yes. Whether it's an email - or a 'real' letter, you can forward it on to someone else indefinitely.

Is it illegal to forward an email for business?

Most of the time, it is not illegal to forward email. However, there could be places, and circumstances, where it is illegal to forward email. At work, it might be illegal to forward email. It might be illegal to forward an email that has spam, or porno, or a virus in it. It all depends on where you are when you forward the email, who you forward the email to, and what the email contains.

If someone sends you an email can you legally forward it to a friend?

Well if it says sommit bad then ovisly you cant!

When someone sends you an email with a classified attachment on your unclassified system you immediately forward it to your Security POC?


What is forward used for in emails?

The forward function allows you to forward an exact copy of the email to a different email address.