

Name the smaller European Nations that Hitler conquered?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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Hungary, Romania, the Slovak Republic, Bulgaria, Yugoslvia and Croatia.

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Q: Name the smaller European Nations that Hitler conquered?
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Was it fair to say that Hitler was winnig World War 2 by 1941?

Yes, he had conquered many nations by then and he had not lost in Russia yet.

What year did Hitler take over all those country's?

1939 and 1940 were the years Adolph Hitler invaded the European nations. Russia was later however.

At beginning of the war why was Hitler allowed to continue his aggression without resistance from other European countries?

Most European nations wanted to avoid war at all costs.

When was Greece conquered by Hitler?

May 15,1935

What countries did Hitler conqer?

Hitler conquered Czechoslovakia, Poland, Holland, Belgium, France, Denmark, Norway, Greece, parts of Algeria and Libya, Much of European Russia, later took over the balkans, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Italy.

What were the names of the countries Germany conquered?

There is an answer already for this.What_european_countries_did_germany_conquer_during_world_war_2It started off with Hitler annexing Austria with Germany through verbal agreement; thus, being non-violent. Also, Hitler was guaranteed the Sudetenland districts of Czechoslovakia that bordered Germany in the Munich Conference, which was attended by Adolf Hitler of Germany, Benito Mussolini of Italy, Neville Chamberlain of Great Britain, and Edouard Daladier of France. This was the last of Hitler's "peaceful" conquering of European nations. On September 1, 1939, the German army invaded Western Poland and conquered it very quickly. To make a long story short, Hitler and Nazi Germany had conquered (in order) Austria, Sudetenland districts of Czechoslovakia, Poland, the rest of Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, France, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, and the Baltic states, Belarus, and Ukraine of the Soviet Union, as well as territories in Northern Africa.

According to Hitler What other nations could be considered Aryan?

Hitler viewed people of Nordic European descent to be Aryan. Countries predominantly inhabited by people of this race (such as the Scandinavian countries or Teutonic states of Central Europe) were generally considered Aryan Nations. However, people all over the world could be considered Aryan, as long as they have a pure bloodline of Nordic European descent.

Would Hitler have lost the war early on if the Soviets had not had the Non-Aggression Pact to stop them?

Most European nations wanted to avoid war at all costs.

How did hitler start World War I?

I dont think he did, but it would be something to do with the german nations- World war 1 was started because of Russia and America, but if the German nations got involved, then Hitler would be mainly affected because his mother was from America and his father although German, had American family.

What was the mission of the European Theatre of World War 2?

The mission of the European Theater of World War 2 by the Allied Forces was to eliminate Adolf Hitler and the Nazis and to liberate the nations invaded by the Nazis. The mission goal of the Nazis was to invade all nations with the resources and land they needed and wanted and to eliminate all undesirable people groups. And for the axis forces to PLEASE Adolf Hitler and his maniacal goals.

Did Adolph Hitler conquer Finland?

No, USSR conquered Poland

First country conquered in Hitler's lightning war?
