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This sounds harder than it is. Every sentence has at least one verb in it, and you probably speak using verbs all the time without realizing it.

Ever seen those commercials saying "verb- it's what you do?" Well, that's all a verb is. It says what the noun is doing. Let's take this sentence as an example:

The bird flew over the forest.

The noun used here (a person, place, or thing) is the bird. (The forest is also a noun here but that isn't important to this lesson.) So now that we know that the noun is the bird, we need to ask, what is the bird doing? That is the question you need to ask yourself every time you are unsure as to what the verb is. Well, obviously, the bird is flying. Therefore, the verb in this sentence is the word flew. Even though this sentence is in the past tense, it doesn't matter, because the bird did it either way, right?

Using all of this, you should be able to think of some sentences with verbs in them within a few minutes.

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