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Q: Nerve cells in your body must constantly remove substances from the cell against the concentration gradient What type of process most likely takes place to remove substances from a cell against the c?
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What is the process that requires cellular energy to move a substance against its concentration gradient?

Active transport uses energy to move substances against the concentration gradient.

Which cell process will remove substances against a concentration gradient?

Active transport

What are some characteristics of facilitated diffusion?

The substances are moving from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration with the help of a protein channel.

What moves solutes against concentration gradient?

The processes that can move a solute against its concentration gradient are active transport. All cells are enclosed by a plasma membrane that is similar in structure and function.

How does difference in concentration relate to movement of substances across the membrane?

the concentration gradient will help to bring stuff into the cell and to move stuff out. Osmosis likes to move with the concentration gradient. Moving with a concentration gradient is passive transport and moving against it is active transport

How is the concentration gradient of a substance important to diffusion?

In diffusion, substances flow with a concentration gradient, meaning that they flow from areas of high concentration to areas of lower concentration. Flowing against a concentration gradient would be going from an area of low concentration to an area of higher concentration, but this only occurs in active transport.

What is the purpose of active transport?

Active transport expends energy to move substances against a concentration gradient.

In which type of process do substances move down their concentration gradient across the membrane?

Active transport is a process that removes substances from a cell against the concentration gradient. The molecules move from low concentration to high concentration during this process.

Does osmosis work with or against the concentration gradient?

against the gradient

What is the movement of a substance against the substances concentration gradient?

Active transport, or reverse osmosis; depending upon conditions.

Are substances able to travel against their concentration gradient?

Yes, but only with an expenditure of energy which characterizes active transport.

Active transport requires what?

Energy-requiring process by which substances move across the plasma membrane against a concentration gradient.