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Q: Neurons which are wrapped in a fatty membrane are?
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What effect does the leaking of potassium across the membrane have on the membrane potential of Kevin's neurons?

It makes the inside of the neurons more negative.

What cell has slender extentions of the plasma membrane?


What is a fatty acid tail?

a cat with no membrane

What is the fatty membrane that hangs in the stomach?


The resting membrane potential in neurons ranges from?

-60mV to -70mV

What contains digestive enzymes wrapped in a membrane?


What membrane-wrapped compartment contains the chromosome?


What cell is insulated by a fatty layer?

The cell that is insulated by a fatty layer is the myelin sheath. It is the fatty insulator around the neurons (nerve).

What part of the cell membrane does not with water?

fatty acids

Is the membrane of neurons very permeable to Na when at rest?

the same as that to potassium

During depolarization does the neurons membrane become negative?

Yes. Positive ions (sodium) move across the membrane.

How do you create myelenated neurons?

You don't, but glial cells, (oligodendrocytes in the CNS, and Schwann cells in the PNS), wrapped one after another around the axons of neurons with gaps between them called the nodes of Ravnier do create myelinated neurons.