


Updated: 8/10/2023
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Curtis Strite

Lvl 13
2y ago

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Curtis Strite

Lvl 13
2y ago
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9y ago

Some types of nitrates, such as sodium nitrate, can be bad for a person's health because this substance can increase the risk for Heart disease and affect oxygen circulation. Sodium nitrate is a preservative often food in processed meats like Hot Dogs, salami, and luncheon meat. Likewise, the sodium content is high in these processed meats.

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13y ago

It is good for you, but like everything that is good for you, in moderation. It has been proven to help circulation by diluting (increasing the size) of your blood vessels. It can be found in some foods like nuts and and dairy products and meats, etc. It can help with people with high blood pressure, it can aid in muscle building (more blood flow and nutrients to the muscles; adding less stress and "rust/dryness" to your muscles), also can help men with erectile dysfunction. But there can be some draw backs as with every good thing in life as well, it increases your heart rate (seeing as your blood vessels are bigger; more blood has to be pumped through out your body), anything that goes through your blood gets filtered through your kidneys and they can get overwhelmed (which can lead to kidney stones or maybe even kidney failure) and you can overdose on it as well. But it is something that is good daily in moderate doses.

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nitrates are chemically salts. nitrates Can be used as fertilizers.

What does it mean when you have nitrates in your urine?

Type your answer here... what are nitrates in urine.

Which nitrates are insoluble in water?

none. all nitrates are soluble.

What are most nitrates?

Nitrates are ionic compounds soluble in water.

How do nitrates get into urine?

Nitrates can enter urine through dietary ingestion of nitrates from foods such as leafy green vegetables, root vegetables, and processed meats. The body metabolizes dietary nitrates into nitrites, which are then excreted in the urine.

Does kosher meat have nitrates?

No ______ Kosher deli meat still has nitrates.

What is the solubility rule for nitrates and acetates?

Nitrates (NO3-) and acetates (CH3COO-) are generally soluble in water regardless of the cation they are paired with. This makes compounds containing these ions highly water-soluble.

Why is access to nitrates necessary during war?

Nitrates are used to make explosives.

Are Nitrates are needed to produce glucose?

No nitrates are not needed.Mainly CO2 and water is needed

Where is it possible to learn about nitrates?

Nitrates are mostly used in fertilizers in agriculture and farming. There are many text books and articles discussing nitrates, their uses and effects.

Does temperature affect nitrates?

Yes. Nitrates are used in fireworks and explosives. If they get too hot they burn very quickly or explode. Nitrates are also used in fertilizers.