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The power that Richard Nixon invoked to resist the order to turn over White House recordings regarding the Watergate cover up was executive privilege. This is a power claimed by the President of the United States and other members of the executive branch to resist certain subpoenas and other orders by the legislative and judicial branches of government

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Q: Nixon claim this power so he did not have to give up the tapes?
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Why did congress want to impeach Nixon?

The member of congress wanted to know if president Nixon and his staff were guilty of crime against the federal government .The Senate formed a committee members to learn more about the watergate events.The committee members believed that tapes Nixon made of conversations in his office would provide information about the events.The Supreme Court ordered Nixon to give his tapes to congredd.Nixon refused, TSC said "a president cannot use his power to'cover up' crimes. So Nixon was force to turn over his tapes.A special committee in the House of Representatives listened to the tapes and decided that Nixon had committed crimes and should be impeached

Why did a break in at the Watergate office building turn into a major political scandal?

The watergate affair became a scandal because the Nixon administration attempted to cover it up. when asked to give tapes of conversations about the break-in to the supreme court, nixon refused.

What power did President Nixon invoke in 1974?

President Nixon attempted to invoke Executive Privilegeto keep the content of the Watergate cover-up tapes secret. He claimed the matter involved only the Executive Branch of government and could therefore be withheld from the other two branches.The US Supreme Court disagreed. They held the alleged content of the tapes were not state secrets and releasing them didn't endanger the welfare of the United States. They further held the constitutional rights of the men being investigated for the Watergate break-in and cover-up superseded the President's desire to exercise Executive Privilege to protect himself.The Supreme Court ordered Nixon to give the tapes to Special Prosecutor Leon Jaworski, and Nixon complied. He resigned a week later, on August 9, 1974, to avoid impeachment.

What did the court find were the limits of Executive Privilege in US v. Nixon?

President Nixon refused to give the Special Prosecutor (Leon Jaworski) in the Watergate Scandal tapes of recorded telephone calls between the President and various people implicated in the crime and its cover-up. Nixon attempted to invoke Executive Privilege, a constitutional protection allowing the Executive branch to withhold information from the Legislative and Judicial branches, under separation of powers.The Supreme Court held that Nixon had to give Jaworski the tapes, because withholding them interfered with the Fifth and Sixth Amendment rights of the defendants being charged in the case. Nixon's status was considered that of an unindicted conspirator, and that the US Supreme Court had jurisdiction over the case. This decision affirmed one of the Judicial branch's checks on the Executive branch.Case Citation:United States v. Nixon, 418 US 683 (1974)

Why did President Nixon want the the US to have better relations with the Chinese?

To give him more power in his actions toward the Soviet Union

Why did President Nixon want the unites states to have better relations with the Chinese?

President Nixon wanted the US to have better relations with China to give him more power in his actions toward the Soviet Union.

What did President Nixon believe about executive privilege?

President Nixon shared most of the past US presidents' beliefs about the expansion of executive privilege. On the whole, the power of the US presidency has had an expanding role in US politics since the early years of Jefferson.

Why did President Nixon want the US to have better relations with China?

President Nixon wanted better relations with China (People's Republic of China) to balance the rising power of the Soviet Union. Chinese leaders were receptive because they were also worried about the USSR. By having better relations with China, President Nixon also hoped to improve relations with the USSR. Nixon also hoped to get help to resolve the Vietnam War. Nixon also hoped to improve economic relations with China. to give him more power in his actions toward the soviet union

Do winning war give you power to corrupt the world?

No, it does not. Wining a war does not mean you can claim power and start doing bad in the world as Josef Stalin did.

Why did President Nixon want the US to have better relations with the?

President Nixon wanted better relations with China (People's Republic of China) to balance the rising power of the Soviet Union. Chinese leaders were receptive because they were also worried about the USSR. By having better relations with China, President Nixon also hoped to improve relations with the USSR. Nixon also hoped to get help to resolve the Vietnam War. Nixon also hoped to improve economic relations with China. to give him more power in his actions toward the soviet union

Why did president Nixon want the united stateS to have better relations with china?

To give him more power in his actions toward the Soviet Union

What was the Supreme Court's position in the Watergate case?

Nixon must give officials his recordingsThe Supreme Court's position in the water gate cases is that Nixon must hand over his recordings.