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Scotch-Irish and German as well as Jews from Portugal.

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Q: Non-English immigrants to the colonies were?
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Why might forgein-born people come and help the patriots in their fight for freedom?

About 90% of the colonies were foreign born. They WERE the patriots because they lived under the system that didn't recognize individual rights. Even as late as 1830 NYC had an nonEnglish speaking population of 60%. The United States was built by immigrants who were born in Europe.

What was a major difference between Britain's colonies in the South Pacific and its colonies in India?

They were more attractive to immigrants from Great Britain.

Who is the 19th century cartoonist that made the donkey and the elephant a part of the American political cartoon?

Thomas Nast. He also brought down Boss Tweed by illustrating his scams so the nonenglish speaking immigrants could get the picture.

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Who settled the middle colonies-?

German immigrants settled the middle colonies.

Why did population increase in colonies in the 1700s?

Large families and more immigrants came to the colonies.

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Who founded the amana colonies?

A group of German immigrants.

What was the labor source in the Middle Colonies?

Immigrants and slaves

Where did immigrants sleep on the ships when coming to American colonies?

Immigrants slept on bunks that were stacked 3 high.

How were the north American colonies in the 1600s similar?

flood of immigrants.

Why did the population increase in the colonies between 1700-1776?

Large families and more immigrants came to the colonies.