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It's just fluid - nothing to worry about.

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Q: Normal for a kitten after getting sprayed to have a bulging stomach?
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Is it normal for the stomach to get big after exercise?

No it is not normal. See your physician right away. You could be getting gas, air or fluid buildup and it is not normal before, during or after exercise.

Is getting a weird feeling in my stomach when I'm not around my crush normal?

Yes it is. You just like him a lot.

How do you stop your vagina bulging out?

If your vagina -- the inside passage -- is bulging out, see your gynecologist for information on possible treatments. This prolapse can be fixed with surgery or medicine.On the other hand, if your vulva -- the outside parts around the vagina -- is bulging out, this is normal. They grow more with arousal.

Is getting your period scary?

No, it is fine, don't worry about it is normal and the worst bit is stomach aches but you can take pain killers for that.

Is it normal to have a cold stomach during pregnancy?

it normal to have a cold stomach during pregnancy

What is normal pH of stomach?

The normal pH of the stomach is about 2-3 and is caused by a high concentration of HCl secreted by the parietal cells of the stomach.

What does it mean if I'm thrity weeks pregnant and having stomach and back aches?

Its normal. Your baby is getting bigger and things are stretching and things are being moved around and getting squished.

Recently I've been getting stomach aches before my period. Is getting stomach aches before you get your period normal?

Yes it is normal, nothing to worry about, have some ginger drink or ginger jam, it helps not pop. also put a water bottle on your belly and lay on the side for around 10 min. Nothing to worry about, I get it some times.

How might the fontanels be used to estimate intracranial pressure?

If they are sunken, then the patient may have a low ICP (intracranial pressure), if they are normal then it is likely normal, and if they are bulging then it is likely that it is high.

If you have an anteverted uterus is that why you have a bit of a bulge below your belly botton Will you have a flat stomach after your hysterectomy?

A normal anteverted uterus does not cause a bulge below your belly button. The entire normal uterus is so small that it is tucked behind your pubic bone. If you have an abnormally large uterus, then it may cause a bulging lower abdomen. Ask your surgeon for advice specific to your situation.

Is it normal for a pregnant woman to have stomach aches?

Stomach aches is not normal but abdominal pains yes it is and only during the first trimester.

Is it normal for boys to grow stomach hair?

Yes, it is perfectly normal.