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3/5 in each state

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Q: Number of slaves counted for representation?
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Was slaves counted as part of the population for representation as property for taxation?

was slaves counted as people or property

How were the slaves originally counted for representation on what basis?

counted as 3/4 of person

How was slaves treated in the constitution?

When determining representation by population, slaves were counted as 3/5ths of a person.

What solved the debate of whether or not slaves should be counted as representation?

The courts decided to keep the slaves

How were slaves counted to determine representation?

By the owners whipping them one by one

How were the slaves counted when determining representation in congress?

As 3/5ths of a person...

Number of slaves counted for representation in the constitution?

it is a Compromise, which stipulates that three/fifths of the slave population would be counted for purposes of representation.

How were male slaves counted to determine representation in Congress?

as 3/5 of a man

How did the US Constitution address the issue of how slaves would be counted for purposes of representation in the house of represntive?

Every 5 slaves woulde counted as three people

Why did the delegate Benjamin Franklin said that slaves should not be counted as representation?

he thought it was fair for the states without slaves

In debates leading up the the Three-fifths Compromise southern states argued that?

Slaves should be counted when counting a stateโ€™s population to determine representation in congress

What Compromise settled the dispute of how slaves should be counted for the purpose of representation?

The Three-Fifths Compromise