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Q: On 15 dpo you are 3 days late and have period like bleeding but it doesn't smell like one.. your tummy hurts when you wear a belt..hungry all the time..can you still be pregnant or is it over?
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To be pregnant and have a period one month but miss the next month?

Its not possible you dont have your period at all if you pregnant and you wont have a normal period if you are its possible that it wont even come on which is a missed period. Most women do mistake periods for implantation bleeding (spotting),which is not a period just because they see a red spot or they bleeding on and off their pregnant while their on there period, no it doesnt work that way if you having periods while your pregnant please get checked.

If a girl is spotted but should be on her cycle could she be pregnant?

If you didnt have what would be your normal period then yes you could possibly be especially if you are bleeding less or doesnt last as long. Good luck!!!

Was pregnant with triples but I miscarried two and I am still pregnant with one. I have no had any bleeding is this normal?

yes. sometimes early on the baby dies and is reabsorbed into the body. So your body doesnt need to pass anything. you may still get some spotting later.

Is brown discharge normal at 6 months pregnant?

it is probably nothing to worry about some women do spot while pregnant, as long as it doesnt start to become heavy or start to show clots, or start to resemble a period then you are fine if youstar to show this type of bleeding speak to a doctor

Can you laugh hard when your pregnant?

yes it doesnt do anything to you

Did she ever get pregnant?

She doesnt really but maybe in the future

Can a girl get pregnant if the boy doesnt pull out?

Yes.A girl can even get pregnant if the boy does pull out.

Can a women get pregnant if the male doesnt supply sperm?

No, to be pregnant a sperm has to be fused with female ovum.

Im having prolonged bleeding could that be signs of pregnancy its light red or burgundy with chunks could it be a miscarriage?

Prolonged Bleeding doesnt always mean you pregnant, stress can change patterens as well as having a unnormal period. If you think you pregnant n have a brownish discharge or heavey bleeding with clots i suggest seeing a doctor asap. It could mean a miscarriage an you may need medical attention, or even a prolong period may seen like a miscarriage. Either way seeing a doctor is the best way to go.

What happesns when blood doesnt clot?

You will continue bleeding. It is dangerous if it will not stop. See a professional.

If your a princapal and your pregnant will you still be a princapal?

Yes, If your a princapal and your pregnant doesnt mean your not a princapal. Unless you get fired.

Should you take your tongue ring out when pregnant?

it doesnt matter