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Black ice isn't directly a damaging source. It's simply a thin sheet of ice that forms on roadways (ice is clear, so you can see through it and it looks black to match the pavement)....The trouble with black ice is that you can't see it and once you hit it, your car can go into a slide. This can cause serious car accidents.

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Q: On a scale of 1-5 how much damage does black ice have?
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Yes, salt can damage asphalt by causing it to deteriorate and crumble over time. This is especially true in areas where salt is used to de-ice roads during the winter months. It is recommended to use alternative de-icing methods to prevent damage to asphalt surfaces.

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Pretty much any speed.

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In an uncovered pool will ice damage the pool?

A pool cover has little to do with the formation of ice. It is for keeping the debris out of the pool. If you are in an area where ice may form on your pool it is suggested that you use an ice equalizer pillow under the cover. Those pillows are for keeping a hole in the middle of the ice, and not so much for holding up the cover as is a common misconception. The use of an ice equalizer pillow may can help reduce the chances of ice damage if your area is prone to freezing.

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Yes ice hockey ball is black

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Black Ice - band - was created in 1999.

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The Black Ice was created on 1993-06-01.

On what scale does ice melt at 0 degrees?

Ice melts at 0 degrees Celsius on the Celsius scale.