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Q: On facebook if you unblock someone do you still have all relationships?
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Related questions

Can you block someone on Facebook if that person already blocked you?

You sure can, then if, in the future they unblock you, you'll still have them blocked.

How do you get back people on facebook back when you blocked them and removed them from your list?

Go into your account and pull up your list of blocked users, it will give you the option to take them off the list, unblock the person then search them again on facebook and request them as a friend. When you just remove a friend you can still view their profile. However, if you block someone their profile is nonexistent to you as yours is to them.

If I block someone on Facebook and we are in the same community groups, will (s)he still be able to see my posts?

No, if you block someone on Facebook, they can not see any of your activities

What happens when you block someone on can they still see your info or contact you?

No. When you block someone on meetme they will not be able too view or have contact with your profile anymore unless you unblock them.

If someone blocks you from seeing their facebook profile can they still see your Facebook profile?

no, they cant see anything you do, and you cant see anything they do!

Can I still send a message someone who has unfriend you in facebook?

Depends on that person's privacy settings.

How do you tag someone on Facebook who doesn't have an account?

You can still tag people by tagging someone like normal and then typing their name.

If i text somebody on facebook messanger and im not friends with them on facebook will they get the message?

If writing someone that you are not friends on Facebook they will still get the message. The message sometimes go the "other folder" and not the "inbox folder".

How do you find out if someone removes you as a friend on Facebook?

Rummage through your friends list and see if they're still on there.

Is Facebook still online?

Yes, Facebook is still online.

If you defriend someone on Facebook can they still reply to an email you sent?

yeah but they'll will be freakn mad and probably be rude

Can i still send a message if i blocked the person?

Unblock the fellow and send the message.